
Showing posts from March, 2010

mysql - substring of a column from another SQL -

i have following table. +--------------------+-----+ |fardet_cd_fare_basis|part2| +--------------------+-----+ | meo00rig| 00r| | meo00rig| rig| | meo00rig| i| +--------------------+-----+ i need extract "fartdet_cd_fare_basis" first part of chain until appearance of "part2", example be: +--------------------+-----+--------+ |fardet_cd_fare_basis|part2| num| +--------------------+-----+--------+ | meo00rig| 00r| meo| | meo00rig| rig| meo00| | meo00rig| i| meo00ri| +--------------------+-----+--------+ i'm working spark sql, used sql solution. ideas? i think understand want. try this. livedemo select fardet_cd_fare_basis,part2, substr( fardet_cd_fare_basis, 1, instr(fardet_cd_fare_basis,part2)-1 ) der_sub your_table output +----------------------+--------+---------+ | fardet_cd_fare_basis | part2 | d...

angularjs - Angular Routing is not working after logging in -

i trying login using username , password , displaying home page. homepage contains hyperlink, clicking should direct someother content not happening. can me in regard. var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ngroute']); app.config(function($routeprovider) { $routeprovider. when('/login', { templateurl: 'pages/login.html', controller: 'appctrl' }). when('/home',{ templateurl: 'pages/country-list.html', controller:'countrylistctrl' }). when('/:countryname',{ templateurl: 'pages/country-detail.html', controller:'countrydetailctrl' }). otherwise({ redirectto: '/login' }); });['$rootscope', '$location', 'auth', function ($rootscope, $location, auth) { $rootscope.$on('$routechangestart', function (event) { console.log(...

continuous integration - Error while building using TFS build server -

this error getting when running build using tfs dont have clue do... i using tfs 2013 exception message: tf201077: work item type bug cannot found. may have been renamed or destroyed. (type workitemtypedeniedornotexistexception) exception stack trace: @ system.activities.statements.throw.execute(codeactivitycontext context) @ system.activities.codeactivity.internalexecute(activityinstance instance, activityexecutor executor, bookmarkmanager bookmarkmanager) @ system.activities.runtime.activityexecutor.executeactivityworkitem.executebody(activityexecutor executor, bookmarkmanager bookmarkmanager, location resultlocation) also getting warning :- tf270003: failed copy. ensure source directory c:\builds\2\test\test-ci\bin exists , have appropriate permissions. most time see tf270003: failed copy. ensure source directory c:\builds\2\test\test-ci\bin exists , have appropriate permissions. sets off alarm bells solutions/projects. means has checked in bin or obj f...

sparql - bind doesn't seem to be working on all items -

this minimum data prefix rdf: <> prefix owl: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix rs: <> prefix mo: <> prefix : <> mo:5th_symphony_for_beethoven mo:germansymphony . mo:nabucco_overture mo:operaoverture . rs:operaweek2016 rs:temporalcontext ; rs:appliedonitems mo:operaoverture . rs:symphonyfestival2016 rs:temporalcontext ; rs:appliedonitems mo:germansymphony . this query prefix rdf: <> prefix owl: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix rs: <> prefix mo: <

javascript - Move Google maps map to right through protractor js -

i using protractor test angularjs application built ng-map google maps directive. in test, zoom in/out clicking on +/- visible in maps. however, pan map, there no controls in google maps javascript api v3. so thought of sending right arrow key event browser simulate panning towards east direction. browser.actions().sendkeys(protractor.key.arrow_right).perform(); browser.sleep(5000); // hold browser notice change. however, when run it, not see change in view of map. solved in comments above -- tried manually on our app uses google maps, sending right arrow should work after giving map focus. suggestion try clicking on map first before performing right arrow. var map = element(by.css(''));; // give map focus browser.actions().sendkeys(protractor.key.arrow_right).perform(); // move map browser.sleep(5000); // hold browser notice change.

android - Where to define gradle task so that it doesn't run with every build -

i have defined gradle task increments version code. thing is in app.gradle , runs every build. goal make run on demand our ci server. just make task depends on special task. in case: task incversioncode(dependson: ["assemblerelease"]) << { // task code } you can use android gradle plugin auto increasing version code:

java - I can't start tests via junit4/maven/intellijIdea -

i can't start tests via intellijidea . after installing times working. today occurred error: org.openqa.selenium.remote.unreachablebrowserexception: error communicating remote browser. may have died. and other errors: at org.openqa.selenium.remote.remotewebdriver.execute(

oracle sqldeveloper - SQL to retrieve last 3 records if they match a certain criteria -

i'm looking following tbl_transaction ( account id transaction_details transaction_date transaction_type ) acc_id trans_dtls trans_date trans_type 1001 petrol 01-sept-2015 cash 1001 petrol 01-july-2015 cash 1001 fruit 01-may-2015 cash 1001 biscuits 01-feb-2015 cash 1002 cereal 01-sept-2015 cash 1002 soft drinks 01-july-2015 card 1002 water 01-may-2015 cash 1002 water 01-feb-2015 card 1003 milk 01-sept-2015 card 1003 petrol 01-july-2015 cash 1003 cereal 01-may-2015 cash 1003 biscuits 01-feb-2015 cash basically, want able pull records of account if last 3 transactions have been paid cash. regarding data above, account 1001 returned last 3 transactions have been cash, 1002 , 1003 not @ least 1 of last 3 transactions card payments. you didn't tag rdbms, ansi-sql can use row_number() : select tr.* tbl_transaction tr inner join( sele...

node.js - mongodb update is throwing a critical error -

when try update user using web form, runs on express. object user correct, throws error in node console'/register/update', jsonparser, (request, response) => { let user = request.body.user; let users = mongoutil.users(); console.log(user); users.update({email:}, user, (err, res) => { if(err) { response.sendstatus(400); } response.sendstatus(201); }); }); in node console: { _id: '578246ec9eb0587a5d67b8c9', email: '', zipcode: '1231-123', companyname: 'test', tradename: 'test', contactname: 'test', tel: '(14) 1232-1231', password: 'test', passwordconfirm: 'test', adress: 'test', adresscomplement: 'test', adressnumber: '123' } /home/ec2-user/ ... /mongodb/lib/utils.js:98 process.nexttick(function() { throw err; }); ^ error: can't set h...

Adding rdfa lite to Facebook Instant Articles -

i new forms of coding, pls forgive me falling on feet whilst trying grasp this. i trying setup fb instant articles & still in "production articles" mode. have marked on article has been published what dog training i want include rdfa lite syntax well, every time run through google structured data test keeps flagging different faults up. what "beginners error" making her??? thanks in advance <!doctype html> <html lang="en" prefix="op:"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="canonical" href=" training/"> <link rel="stylesheet" title="default" href="#"> <title>what dog training?</title> <meta property="" content="dog training article"> </head> <body> <div> <arti...

java - How can I remove port from the endpoint? -

i write simple web service. after deploying endpoint url this: http://mycomputer1:80/mywebservices/myservice @webservice(name="myservice", servicename = "mywebservices") public interface imyservice{ // code } how can remove port 80 endpoit next url: http://mycomputer1:80/mywebservices/myservice port 80 default port http, endpoint work without specifying port. no need work "remove" it.

AngularJS "Controller Undefined error" while displaying the scope value in .php extension file -

while displaying scope value in file ".php" extension gives error of undefined controller, while displays scope value properly. sample code: <script> (function(){ var app = angular.module('demoapp', []); app.controller('democtrl', function($scope){ $ = "test"; }); })(); </script> <div ng-app="demoapp"> <div ng-controller="democtrl"> {{name}} </div> </div> the above code, shows value of name in browser correctly , in console gives following error "angular.min.js:103 error: [ng:areq] " what wrong code? angular version used 1.3.11

java - Cannot resolve hostname (localhost) on eclipse -

hey i'am using eclipse run java applications when running application showing error unable load page problem occurred while loading url http://localhost:8080/loan_management/admin.html cannot resolve hostname (localhost) how resolve problem? the error you're getting due server (tomcat) not running or it's not configured properly. steps setup tomcat server in eclipse: if using proxy in server need configure settings well. can set required properties when starting jvm. in eclipse run-> run configuration-> argument tab, set vm argument -dhttp.proxyhost=your/proxy/ -dhttp.proxyport=80

asynchronous - Example of an Async Method that uses the main thread without blocking it.c# -

in page 18 concurrency in c# cookbook,stephen cleary define asynchronous programming : "a form of concurrency uses futures or callbacks avoid unnecessary threads." in code async method uses multi threads (thread pool). can same 1 please show me example of async method uses main thread without blocking it. consider, example, method sends http request , gives http response. if method synchronous (e.g. webrequest.getresponse() ) 90% time method wait due network latency, , hence thread on method executed sleep , nothing. when using async method (e.g. httpclient.postasync() ) , await result, calling method ends first await , calling thread free process other work or can returned threadpool. when http response received, work resumed. the thread on continuation run depends on synchronizationcontext . so, if ran , awaited async method ui thread, continuation run on ui thread. if ran , awaited async method background thread continuation run on threadpool thread. asy...

sql server - Cannot connect to instance with new user -

i tried creating user login below script, similar steps indicated here : create login radu_test password = 'abcd1234!!!!'; create user radu_test login radu_test; grant select on dbo.accountinformation radu_test; and tried connect user in ssms, i'm getting below error , i'm kind of stumped next. i'm pretty sure basic thing, can't understand i'm doing wrong. any appreciated! in sql server (instance) properties check mixed authentication mode. must enable in order connect sql server login.

spring mvc - Cannot pass @SortDefault Sort object into controller method? -

it stated in documentation of @sortdefault annotation define default sort options used when injecting sort instance controller handler method. but fact is, got exception: failed instantiate []: no default constructor found; nested exception java.lang.nosuchmethodexception: did miss here? void download(webrequest request, httpsession session, @requestparam(value = "fields", defaultvalue = "id,hostname,networkid,customerid") string[] visibleproperties, @sortdefault("hostname") sort sort, httpservletresponse response) { } you missed @enablespringdatawebsupport in configuration.

c# - Download public TXT file from Dropbox with VB.NET -

i want download txt file dropbox , read content have code have error :( code work perfect pastebin not working dropbox dim w new webclient dim cpuids string() = split(w.downloadstring("link here !"), "|") dim cur string = hwid each c string in cpuids if cur = c goto authed end if next help ! if code working fine pastebin dropbox downloading whole lot of text isn't making sense, try this go link copy download link dropbox , paste generate new download link, enable download files directly dropbox contain right details. had same problem once before , managed fix changing downloads url name website stated above.

jQuery setting variables from url string -

i have url string and want able store values after each of ? characters. i have working getting last ?value - cant seem store first... code works last ?value is: window.lastvalue = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.lastindexof('?') + 1); how can store first also? so firstvalue = chicken , lastvalue = toast update - how can store totalval flattening array? so, if array ["chicken", "toast"] need flattened string "." before each item in array - if array ["chicken", "toast"] become ".chicken.toast" - if array ["chicken"] become ".chicken" // thanks cheers, this give array of values want: var r = window.location.href.split("?"); r.shift(); console.log(r); if there 2 values, can use extract them: var val1 = r.shift(); var val2 = r.shift(); here's version gives .chicken result: var r = window.locat...

python - Differences in numba outputs -

i implemented basic nearest-neighbors search in study work. fact basic numpy implementation working well, adding '@jit' decorator (compiling in numba), outputs differents (it duplicates neighbors in end unknown reason...) here basic algorithm: import numpy np numba import jit @jit(nopython=true) def knn(p, points, k): '''find k nearest neighbors (brute force) of point p in list points (each row point)''' n = p.size # lenght of points m = points.shape[0] # number of points neighbors = np.zeros((k,n)) distances = 1e6*np.ones(k) in xrange(m): d = 0 pt = points[i, :] # point compare r in xrange(n): # each coordinate aux = p[r] - pt[r] d += aux * aux if d < distances[k-1]: # find new neighbor pos = k-1 while pos>0 , d<distances[pos-1]: # find position pos -= 1 pt = points[i, :] # insert n...

c# - why does the thread get the demo.names is null? -

here code: class program { static void main(string[] args) { (int = 0; < 200; i++) { console.writeline("---------" + i.tostring()); demo.testerror(); } } public class demo { public demo() { } public demo(int i) { index = i; } public static void testerror() { list<thread> threads = new list<thread>(); demo demo = null; (int = 0; < 1000; i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) { demo = new demo(i); } #region code1 thread t = new thread(() => { demo.setname(); var names = demo.names; string msg = null; if (names == null) { msg = demo.index.tostring() + " -" + thread.currentt...

rename column in dataframe using variable name R -

i have number of data frames. each same format. this: b c 1 -0.02299388 0.71404158 0.8492423 2 -1.43027866 -1.96420767 -1.2886368 3 -1.01827712 -0.94141194 -2.0234436 i change name of third column--c--so includes part if name of variable name associated data frame. for variable df_elephant data frame should this: b c.elephant 1 -0.02299388 0.71404158 0.8492423 2 -1.43027866 -1.96420767 -1.2886368 3 -1.01827712 -0.94141194 -2.0234436 i have function change column name: rename_columns <- function(x) { colnames(x)[colnames(x)=='c'] <- paste( 'c', strsplit (deparse (substitute(x)), '_')[[1]][2], sep='.' ) return(x) } this works data frames. however, provide list of data frames not have call function multiple times hand. if use lapply so: lapply( list (df_elephant, df_horse), rename_columns ) the function renames data frames na rather portion of...

ios - How to post SOAP data to server in objective c -

i trying post data server give me error code -(ibaction)loginbtnclk:(id)sender { [self senddatatoserver :@"post"]; } -(void) senddatatoserver : (nsstring *) method{ int userid=0; nsstring *usercode = usertf.text; int roleid=12; nsstring *salutation = @"mr."; nsstring *firstname=frstnmetf.text; nsstring *lastname =lstnametf.text; nsstring *pwd=paswrdtf.text; nsstring *emailid=@""; nsstring *mobile=@"9876543210"; nsstring *usertype=@"4"; int empid=0; int zoneid=575; nsstring *post = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"userid=%d&usercode=%@&roleid=%d&salutation=%@&firstname=%@&lastname=%@&pwd=%@emailid=%@&mobile=%@&usertype=%@&empid=%d&zoneid=%d",userid,usercode,roleid,salutation,firstname,lastname,pwd,emailid,mobile,usertype,empid,zoneid]; nsdata *postdata = [post datausingencoding:nsasciistringencoding allowlossyco...

static analysis - Getting statistics from Coverity -

i looking way acquiring coverity summary page (the page see after login coverity). simple web scraping doesn't fit in context login required prior acquire page. i wondering if there api provided coverity periodically acquire information. yes, read coverity connect web services api manual soap protocol. sadly, old place ask questions has had “down maintenance. in 2016!” message long time, , certificate expired; need override security preferences failure message. reported problem coverity/synopsys while ago, they’re not going fix soon.

Add sp parameter sql server without modifying the stored procedure request -

i have sample stored procedure named spexample . i want add parameter named testparam stored procedure without using syntax alter procedure spexample @testparamint begin ... end is there syntax like: alter procedure spexample add parameter ... or other alternative? short answer: no can not detailed answer: alter procedure has 3 different syntax below: sql server syntax: alter { proc | procedure } [schema_name.] procedure_name [ ; number ] [ { @parameter [ type_schema_name. ] data_type } [ varying ] [ = default ] [ out | output ] [readonly] ] [ ,...n ] [ <procedure_option> [ ,...n ] ] [ replication ] { [ begin ] sql_statement [;] [ ...n ] [ end ] } [;] <procedure_option> ::= [ encryption ] [ recompile ] [ execute clause ] sql server clr stored procedure syntax: alter { proc | procedure } [schema_name.] procedure_name [ ; number ] [ { @parameter [ type_schema_name. ] data_type } [ = default ]...

configuration - PhpStorm configure to work remotely -

hi there way phpstorm work directly on remote server? no local files. because of moment phpstorm has local files wherein automatically uploads files during save on remote. my problem if changes remotely need manually download first before seeing changes. it's not possible operate on remote server. phpstorm need local project, contain .idea folder. can edit remote files without downloading them project folder. in case entire list of features not available. for can useful following settings: tools->deployment->options: warn when uploading on newer file notify remote changes

wordpress - Woocommerce 2.6 API v1 -> Invalid parameter -

i'm trying add products woocommerce wordpress api per i using wordpress api /wp-json/wc/v1 this data array ( [type] => simple [name] => bike [regular_price] => 300 [description] => new bike ) then $woocommerce->post('products',$data); but regular_price won't work. without it works fine, when add errors invalid parameter regular_price [rest_invalid_param] not sure if exact error, translated dutch any ideas? solved! regular_price has string, assigned integer it changed $wcproduct['regular_price'] = $moxpart->price; to $wcproduct['regular_price'] = (string)$moxpart->price;

angularjs - ng-admin how to connect remote server -

i green hand in ng-admin, , question is: possible connect remote server data? such as. var admin = nga.application('qdns admin') .baseapiurl(' http://remote host/'); many in advance in admin.js file have configure api endpoints this: myapp.config(['ngadminconfigurationprovider', function (nga) { // create admin application var admin = nga.application('name of admin') .baseapiurl('http://localhost:8080/api/'); //if have entity called users nga.configure(admin); } , in server.js must have define route

angular - How to refresh html element after modifying element -

i have been trying print after modifying html element element has not been changed. (angular2) source code simplified one. <div *ngif="displaytype === 'screen'"> <div>this screen</div> </div> <div *ngif="displaytype === 'print'"> <div>this print</div> </div> and when click button following event. displaytype: string = 'screen'; // default onprint() { this.displaytype = 'print'; let tmp = document.createelement('div'); let el = this.elementref.nativeelement.clonenode(true); tmp.appendchild(el); let content = tmp.innerhtml; let frame1 = document.createelement('iframe'); document.body.appendchild(frame1); let framedoc = frame1.contentwindow;; framedoc.document.write('<html><body...

php - how to fix -ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED in Wamp -

i have drupal7 site. running fine no issues. getting this site can’t reached webpage @ http://localhost:8080/mysite/ might temporarily down or may have moved permanently new web address. err_content_decoding_failed its not issue in specific browser, same error browser. checked links:- error 330 (net::err_content_decoding_failed): i tried reinstall, reimport database etc things same error persists. its been 24hours getting error. what should rid of error & re-run site smoothly. other info drupal 7 wamp 2.5 php5.5.12 any highly appreciated. error 330 seems linked when site's http response headers claim content gzip encoded, isn’t. using gzip compression? try turning on, or off via htaccess file, or check here other alternative ways ...

mysql - Searching for existence within 100 million+ strings 5000 times efficiently -

i have text file containing 121 million string, want perform 5000 search existence (i.e. if given string exists in text file or not) , want finish these 5000 checks in 2 seconds or less. i thought of different ways this, tried put these strings text file sql table primary index on string column , perform query 5000 times: select * table string=given_string then check if result exists or not, way led long execution time whole 5000 query, between 20 , 30 seconds. i wonder if there efficient way me index/handle data , search among 5000 times in efficient way. you add (temporary) table (even in memory) , bulk insert 5000 search values in there. afterwards create query joins table big one. this way have 2 queries instead of 5000. maybe speeds things bit.

google earth - Displaying Domes In KML -

i attempting display dome shape on kml. have made shape, shape highlighted strangely, such 1 half of dome visible, while other half appears transparent. know how can change this? additionally, display line cuts through dome. when this, part of line encapsulated dome invisible until scroll in far. there way change this? images: (trajectory), (dome)

android - Single AsyncHttpClient instance ConnectTimeoutException -

i use android-async-http in project, , asynchttpclient static single instance, code follow step: httpurlconnection http request; in first request success callback, use asynchttpclient request url; get connecttimeoutexception follows: 06-28 18:35:36.440 18638-19939/com.zebra.carcloud.example w/system.err: connect timed out 06-28 18:35:36.441 18638-19939/com.zebra.carcloud.example w/system.err: @ 06-28 18:35:36.441 18638-19939/com.zebra.carcloud.example w/system.err: @ 06-28 18:35:36.441 18638-19939/com.zebra.carcloud.example w/system.err: @

javascript - Rotate animation hover but while moving mouse on hover -> cancel -

i'm trying trigger rotate animation in svg on website. definetly work problem when i'm moving mouse when i'm on hover element cancels animation. so include object svg element: <object type="image/svg+xml" data="branching4.svg" id="branching"> browser not support svg </object> which long svg document here stylesheet attached it: #rectangle1, #rectangle2, #rectangle3{ perspective: 1500px; } #rectangle1.flip .card, #rectangle2.flip .card, #rectangle3.flip .card { transform: rotatex(180deg); } #rectangle1 .card, #rectangle2 .card, #rectangle3 .card{ transform-style:preserve-3d; transition:1s; } #rectangle1 .face, #rectangle2 .face, #rectangle3 .face{ backface-visibility: hidden; } #rectangle1 #front1{ transform: rotatex(0deg); } #rectangle1 #back1{ transform: rotatex( 180deg ); } #rectangle2 #front2{ transform: rotatex(0deg); } #rectangle2 #back2{ transform: rotatex( 180deg ); } #rect...

c# - Using Console.ReadKey() after calling AttachConsole(-1) hangs application on ReadKey() -

currently i'm trying best have single application can used via command prompt or via windows form application. application used service well. because of obvious reasons (like rewriting code , keeping changes 2 applications) want create 1 application. currently i'm using following method make happen (i have included debugging code in case had specific suggestions)... using system; using system.collections.generic; using; using system.linq; using system.reflection; using system.runtime.interopservices; using system.serviceprocess; using system.text; using system.threading; using system.threading.tasks; using; namespace myapplicationspace { static class program { #region private class apis [dllimport("kernel32.dll", setlasterror = true)] private static extern bool attachconsole(int pid); [dllimport("kernel32")] private static extern bool allocconsole(); [dllimpor...

javascript - If function is called with null or undefined show error, else return value -

i'm trying make function return error or value. if argument null or undefined throw error. whats wrong ?: function get(value){ if (value == null){ return false; } else { return value; } } i don't understand requirement 100%, in order produce en error, can use "throw" keyword: function get(val) { if (val == null) { throw 'value eithr null or undefined'; } return val; }

Authorizing Data Lake linked services through Visual Studio Data Factory Project -

i have azure data factory visual studio project in using azure data lake linked services. when create them, have authorize them initially. given authorization expires after time period, in days. i cannot find option re-authorize linked services. tried re-authorizing linked service portal , using authorization linked service created in vs, wouldn't work. i had delete , re-create linked services fresh authorization. is feature missing or there way fresh authorization data lake linked services in vs? currently, there no explicit re-authorize in visual studio. have create new linked service in vs authorization code , can use in existing linked service. using azure portal, can click 'authorize' button again new authorization codes , click 'deploy'

javascript - Is it possible to select element by attribute value only? -

i need find elements in page attribute value (ignoring key) using jquery. is there way easily? currently, iterating on elements in page, on every property etc.. you can use $.expr , element.attributes , array.prototype.some() $.expr[":"].attrvalue = function(el, idx, selector) { return [], function(attr) { return attr.value === selector[selector.length - 1] }) }; // filter element having attribute `value` set `"abc"` $(":attrvalue(abc)").css("color", "blue"); <script src=""> </script> <div title="abc">abc</div> <div title="def">def</div> <div title="ghi">ghi</div> <div title="jkl">jkl</div>

How to find the latest stable version of an npm package? -

this question covers how npm cli show latest version of package: npm view [pkg_name] version but if npm view async version 2.0.0-rc.6 , release candidate. is there command tell me current stable version?

c# - Blocking Collection stops processing for some reason -

i have blocking collection of lists , process in task - add data blocking collection database. here part of code: private static task _databasetask; private static readonly blockingcollection<list<someitem>> datatobeinsertedtodatabase = new blockingcollection<list<someitem>>(); public static void processinsertscollection() { _databasetask = task.factory.startnew(() => { foreach (list<someitem> data in datatobeinsertedtodatabase.getconsumingenumerable()) { try { datetime[] datetimes = => d.contributiondatetime).toarray(); string[] values = => d.value).toarray(); string[] someothervalues = => d.someothervalues).toarray(); program.incrementdatabaserecordsregistered(data.count); databaseclass.insertvalues(datetimes, values, someothervalues); } catch (e...

android - How can I stop this ProgressBar from being scrolled along with the toolbar? -

is there way stop progressbar being scrolled , down along toolbars? right have 2 toolbars supposed scrolled , down when there items in recyclerview , problem scrolling behaviour affecting layout below toolbar when there aren't results show. take look: needless say, progressbar shouldn't scrolled under circumstances. layouts: activity_base.xml < xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" android:id="@+id/drawerlayout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> < android:id="@+id/appbarlayout" android:lay...