c# - Blocking Collection stops processing for some reason -
i have blocking collection of lists , process in task - add data blocking collection database. here part of code:
private static task _databasetask; private static readonly blockingcollection<list<someitem>> datatobeinsertedtodatabase = new blockingcollection<list<someitem>>(); public static void processinsertscollection() { _databasetask = task.factory.startnew(() => { foreach (list<someitem> data in datatobeinsertedtodatabase.getconsumingenumerable()) { try { datetime[] datetimes = data.select(d => d.contributiondatetime).toarray(); string[] values = data.select(d => d.value).toarray(); string[] someothervalues = data.select(d => d.someothervalues).toarray(); program.incrementdatabaserecordsregistered(data.count); databaseclass.insertvalues(datetimes, values, someothervalues); } catch (exception ex) { //log error } } }); }
function databaseclass:
public static bool insertvalues(datetime[] datetimes, string[] values, string[] someothervalues) { if (!isconnected()) { connect(); } var rowsinserted = 0; try { using (oraclecommand command = _connection.createcommand()) { command.commandtext = string.format( "insert {0} (*****) values (:1, :2, :3)", _tablename); command.parameters.add(new oracleparameter("1", oracledbtype.date, datetimes, parameterdirection.input)); command.parameters.add(new oracleparameter("2", oracledbtype.varchar2, values, parameterdirection.input)); command.parameters.add(new oracleparameter("3", oracledbtype.varchar2, someothervalues, parameterdirection.input)); command.arraybindcount = datetimes.length; rowsinserted = command.executenonquery(); } } catch (exception ex) { //log error } return rowsinserted != 0; }
the problem after few hours of application working data still being added blocking collection not processed. when debug not stop @ breakpoint inside task. when check variable _databasetask shows task running. _connection variable shows database connected. added try/catch foreach , in insertvalues function did not help. made static because firstly thought task collected gc. not.
probably problem connected calling database because in application have blocking collection , processing in task works without problems. not call there database function.
could please me find out why collection not consumed after few hours?
edit: please not vote down when not understand question. lower possibility knows solution sees question. did lot of research on problem.
today notice thread hangs on line rowsinserted = command.executenonquery();
try add timeout there , add transaction.
afer difficult investigation found issue. add answer, maybe someone.
the problem line rowsinserted = command.executenonquery();
default timeout oraclecommand 0 enforces no time limit. blocked other session hangs forever. solution add timeout command using commandtimeout property of oraclecommand. , implement mechanism of retrying insertion.
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