javascript - Is it possible to select element by attribute value only? -

i need find elements in page attribute value (ignoring key) using jquery.

is there way easily?

currently, iterating on elements in page, on every property etc..

you can use $.expr, element.attributes, array.prototype.some()

$.expr[":"].attrvalue = function(el, idx, selector) {    return [], function(attr) {      return attr.value === selector[selector.length - 1]    })  };  // filter element having attribute `value` set `"abc"`  $(":attrvalue(abc)").css("color", "blue");
<script src="">  </script>  <div title="abc">abc</div>  <div title="def">def</div>  <div title="ghi">ghi</div>  <div title="jkl">jkl</div>


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