mysql - Migrating data from an Access database to an SQL database with a different structure and different table names -

i have been trying migrate data access database(2016) sql database different structure , different table names.

this structure access database, in phpmyadmin :- img1

i use phpmyadmin create databases. structure of tables of database in phpmyadmin :-


i wondering if possible migrate data , if why getting error while trying migrate data.

jun 28, 2016 2:29:13 pm com.intellisoftkenya.onetooner.gui.mainframe$migrationworker doinbackground info: process started. jun 28, 2016 2:29:13 pm com.intellisoftkenya.onetooner.gui.mainframe$migrationworker doinbackground severe: error occured while migrating data 'tblcurrentstatus' 'patient_status'. jun 28, 2016 2:29:13 pm com.intellisoftkenya.onetooner.gui.mainframe$migrationworker doinbackground info: attempting delete inconsistent data 'patient_status'. jun 28, 2016 2:29:13 pm com.intellisoftkenya.onetooner.gui.mainframe$migrationworker doinbackground info: deleted 0 records 'patient_status'. fix errors , re-run process. jun 28, 2016 2:29:13 pm com.intellisoftkenya.onetooner.gui.mainframe$migrationworker doinbackground severe: migration error!. process aborted! see logs details.

i able clear destination using migrating tool; meaning migration tool able communicate database.


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