android - Google Place API get latitude & longitude of places -

how can latitude & longitude google place api of android? code looks below..

autocompletefilter mautocompletefilter = new autocompletefilter.builder().settypefilter(autocompletefilter.type_filter_cities).build();  pendingresult<autocompletepredictionbuffer> results =                     places.geodataapi                             .getautocompletepredictions(mgoogleapiclient, constraint.tostring(),                                     mbounds, mautocompletefilter); 

i facing trouble getting results more 5 results. i'm using this link references. grateful.

you should that:

places.geodataapi.getplacebyid(mgoogleapiclient, placeid)     .setresultcallback(new resultcallback<placebuffer>() {    @override   public void onresult(placebuffer p) {     if (p.getstatus().issuccess()) {       final place mplace = p.get(0);       latlng qloc = mplace.getlatlng();       //you can use lat qloc.latitude;       //and long qloc.longitude;     }     p.release();   } }); 


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