php - remove parentheses from array -

i want remove parentheses if in beginning , end of given sting :

example :

$test = array("(hello world)", "hello (world)");

becomes :

$test = array("hello world", "hello (world)");

try this, using array_map() anonymous function, , preg_replace():

$test = array("(hello world)", "hello (world)"); $test = array_map(function($item) {     return preg_replace('/^\((.*)\)$/', '\1', $item); }, $test); 

for example:

php > $test = array("(hello world)", "hello (world)"); php > $test = array_map(function($item) { return preg_replace('/^\((.*)\)$/', '\1', $item); }, $test); php > var_dump($test); array(2) {   [0]=>   string(11) "hello world"   [1]=>   string(13) "hello (world)" } php > 

as @revo pointed out in comments, can modify array in place increase performance , reduce memory usage:

array_walk($test, function(&$value) {     $value = preg_replace('/^\((.*)\)$/', '$1', $value); }); 


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