javascript - ajax like count is showing the same for every post in django -

the problem due ajax implementation in django twitter clone app, count every post showing same after clicking button.but after page refresh okay. near solve problem stuck somehow.


def add_like(request):     if request.method == 'get':         ans_id = request.get['id']         user = request.user.profile         liked_tweet = get_object_or_404(tweet, pk=ans_id)  if ans_id:     # creating instance sending table fields     instance, created = like.objects.get_or_create(liker=user, liked_tweet=liked_tweet)     ans = tweet.objects.get(id=(int(ans_id)))     if ans:         likes = ans.likes + 1         ans.likes = likes # returns likes field of tweet post return httpresponse(likes) 

the httpresponse sending likes , creates problem guess.

the template:

    {% tw in tweets %}     <div class="blog-post">         <p>             {{ tw.content|safe }}<br><hr>             <small class="small">                 লিখসে -                 <!-- in "href" can pass data "pk", accessing structure current object based on-->                 <a href="{% url 'profile' %}">{{ tw.tweeter.user.username|capfirst }}</a>             </small>         </p>         {% if user.is_authenticated %}         <button class="btn btn-default likes-button" type="button"         data-ansid="{{ }}">like</button>         <i> total likes: </i><em class="like_count">{{ tw.likes }}</em>         {% endif %}     </div> 

the ajax script:

$(".likes-button").click(function(e) { if ($(this).html() == "like") {     $(this).html('unlike');     //alert("js working");     // error there "data" insted of "attr"     var ansid = $(this).attr("data-ansid");     $.ajax({         url: '{% url "add_like" %}',         type: 'get',         data: {id: ansid}     }).done(function (data) {         alert("success");         $('.like_count').html(data);         //$('#likes').hide();     }).fail(function (err) {         alert(err);     }); } 

thanks in advance.

before hitting like after hitting like

i think first comment sayse gives answer. trying give bit more explanation.

so have done after successful ajax request, replace existing count data ajax in element have class named .like_count.

check in code $('.like_count').html(data); select elemnt having like_count class , change html.

instead, should've done after successful ajax, change data in 1 place. you need choose appropriate jquery selector.

something .closest() can used. in case, use (following code not tested) $(this).closest('.like_count').html(data); apeend 'like count' in appropriate element.

also can assign dynamic id each 'like count' element based on id , use exect id selector.

hope helps.



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