android - When capturing webview, content without displaying view is white -

i have question webview.

it`s source , result.

private void savedocumentimage() {      webview wv = arrwebview.get(0);      wv.measure(measurespec.makemeasurespec(measurespec.unspecified, measurespec.unspecified), measurespec.makemeasurespec(0, measurespec.unspecified));     int y=wv.getheight();      bitmap captureview = bitmap.createbitmap(wv.getmeasuredwidth(), wv.getmeasuredheight(), bitmap.config.argb_8888);     wv.layout(0, 0, wv.getmeasuredwidth(), wv.getmeasuredheight());     canvas screenshotcanvas = new canvas(captureview);     wv.draw(screenshotcanvas);       if (captureview != null) {         try {             string path = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory().tostring();             outputstream fout = null;             file file = new file(path, "temp");              if (!file.exists())                 file.mkdirs();              fout = new fileoutputstream(path + "/temp/test_0.jpg");             captureview.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 100, fout);             wv.setdrawingcacheenabled(false);          } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     }     wv.destroydrawingcache();     captureview.recycle();     captureview=null; } 

and here same mine. :

u can't take screen shot of web view , surface view because content loaded in holders , holder not view. if find way share it. once did little research on , found this haven't tested yet. try if works accept answer :d. best of luck


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