android - Change spinner's selected item color from xml -

how can spinner's text , bottom arrow icon in white ?

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i want change "+47" text color. popuptheme xml property @style/themeoverlay.appcompat.dark change text color in pop up.

used theme

set main application theme

  <style name="apptheme" parent="theme.appcompat.light.noactionbar">     <!-- customize theme here. -->     <item name="colorprimary">@color/colorprimary</item>     <item name="colorprimarydark">@color/colorprimarydark</item>     <item name="coloraccent">@color/coloraccent</item>      <item name="android:popupmenustyle">@style/popupmenu</item>    </style> 


  <style name="popupmenu" parent="android:theme.holo.light">     <item name="android:popupbackground">@android:color/white</item>     <item name="android:textcolor">@color/yourcolor</item>     <item name="android:textsize">12sp</item>  </style> 


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