javascript - Want to implement countdown timer in php -

i have use following code countdown timer in php's works fine, problem not take time database. if insert 20 (datatype time) table , run php code takes 13hr , time changes depending on system time. have failed understand logic of takes.

please help...! thanks.

 $t1=mysql_query("select * mst_test test_id='$tid'");     $t2=mysql_fetch_row($t1);      $_session['targetdate']=$t2[4];     $targetdate = $_session['targetdate']; } else {     // no session variable, red mysql     $result=mysql_query("select * mst_test test_id='$tid'");      $time=mysql_fetch_row($result);       $dateformat = "d f y -- g:i a";     $targetdate = $time['time'];     $_session['targetdate'] = $targetdate;    }  $actualdate = time(); $secondsdiff = $targetdate - $actualdate; $remainingday     = floor($secondsdiff/60/60/24); $remaininghour    = floor(($secondsdiff-($remainingday*60*60*24))/60/60); $remainingminutes = floor(($secondsdiff-($remainingday*60*60*24)-($remaininghour*60*60))/60); $remainingseconds = floor(($secondsdiff-($remainingday*60*60*24)-($remaininghour*60*60))-($remainingminutes*60)); $actualdatedisplay = date($dateformat,$actualdate); $targetdatedisplay = date($dateformat,$targetdate); 

here $tid test id, based on id fetch time database , gave time datatype time in database.

this script:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->  <!-- language: lang-js -->      <div id='timer'>      <script type="text/javascript">           var days = <?php echo $remainingday; ?>             var hours = <?php echo $remaininghour; ?>             var minutes = <?php echo $remainingminutes; ?>             var seconds = <?php echo $remainingseconds; ?>            function setcountdown ()           {               seconds--;               if (seconds < 0){                  minutes--;                  seconds = 59               }               if (minutes < 0){                   hours--;                   minutes = 59               }               if (hours < 0){                   hours = 23               }               document.getelementbyid("remain").innerhtml = "  "+hours+" hr "+minutes+" min    "+seconds+" sec";               sd=window.settimeout( "setcountdown()", 1000 );               if (minutes == '00' && seconds == '00') {                    seconds = "00"; window.cleartimeout(sd);                       window.location = "review.php"                   }              } 


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