angularjs - How to pass a array into webapi function? -
i want pass array webapi.
here function getting checkbox selected items in albumnamearray
$scope.delete = function () { debugger $scope.albumnamearray = []; angular.foreach($scope.inboxlist, function (cu) { if (cu.selected) $scope.albumnamearray.push(cu.inboxmailid); }) }
now want send albumnamearray
webapi function. have modified delete function not working, wrong in code?
$scope.delete = function () { debugger $scope.albumnamearray = []; angular.foreach($scope.inboxlist, function (cu) { if (cu.selected) $scope.albumnamearray.push(cu.inboxmailid); }).$http({ url: "mailroute/deleteselecetedemail", datatype: 'json', method: 'post', data: albumnamearray, headers: { "content-type": "application/json" } }).success(function (response) { debugger if (response != null) { } }) .error(function (error) { alert(error); }); }
try this:
public httpresponsemessage delete(string data) { if (something!= 0) { } else { } return response; }
if not working try list
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