dynamic - Dynamically create a cmdlets/module in PowerShell -
this want achieve , can't find this.
i want create remote module proxy, module available on remote server.
i know how work remoting want creates cleaner script files.
to give example. if want execute mycmdlet module mymodule on remote computer this
$block={ # invoke cmdlet module named mycmdlet mycmdlet -parameter1 -parameter2 } invoke-command -computername "" -scriptblock $block
but land
import-module mymoduleremote mycmdlet -computername "" -parameter1 -parameter2
please noticed mymodule not installed on client machine.
i re-write module invoke-command wrapper each cmdlet not purpose. remot-ify mymodule creating proxy equal proxy per cmdlet , parameter. get-help should work @ least parameter composition.
i have couple of ideas i'm not sure if possible.
- create powershell module e.g. psremotify probe module on remote server , generate code.
- if chose write files file system should possible, if reflection on cmdlets.
- if don't want save files need in memory. can write cmdlet's body in memory? can generate string , import embedded cmdlet?
- create script 1.2.
my preference option 1.2. clean , without leaving traces on file system.
any ideas? has tried already?
conclusion after investigation , answer @persistent13:
powershell offer feature out of box. known implicit remoting. before @persistent13's answer took wrong part because think interesting share experience, i've blogged it. import , use module remote server
it sounds looking implicit remoting , simple set up.
please note i've taken instructions here.
to create implicit session would:
ps c:\> $foo = new-pssession -computername dc1 ps c:\> import-module -pssession $foo -name activedirectory ps c:\> get-aduser
the above open powershell session on computer dc1, import activedirectory module on remote computer, , command run against remote computer while appears executed locally.
it possible prefix implicitly imported modules in case local module conflict remote one.
ps c:\> $foo = new-pssession -computername dc1 ps c:\> import-module -pssession $foo -name activedirectory -prefix dc1 ps c:\> get-dc1aduser
the advantage of there no need remot-ify module , long present on remote computer , powershell remoting allowed.
however 1 caveat of method type of object returned change.
deserialized.microsoft.activedirectory.management.aduser when implicit remoting used.
microsoft.activedirectory.management.aduser when run locally.
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