unix - file in UTF-8 using ICONV showing ANSI encoding in notepad ++ -

i facing problem encoding while changing .csv file “iso-8859-7 -t utf-8 using iconv command. shows me completed when converted file export , checks in notepad ++ shows me ansi encoding characters different when changed encoding utf-8 manually using notepad ++ shows me correct character strings.

for example coming ΒΙΓΛΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΟΥ ΑΕΒΕ converted using iconv command using iso-8859-7 -t utf-8.

but above not correct, when changing encoding utf-8 in notepad ++ coming ΒΙΓΛΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΟΥ ΑΕΒΕ correct.

can suggest me how can rid out problem.

notepad merely guessing encoding should open file in. file doesn't declare anywhere encoding it's in. notepad gets wrong. need tell hand encoding file actually in.

if file looks okay when interpreted utf-8, it's utf-8. nothing else here.


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