rest - Retrofit manage No objects model list JSON -

i'm using retrofit lib objects json api rest service implemented, simple query , echo in php.

this json use create objects in android app:

[      {         "event_id":"1",       "event_name":"lungo il tevere",       "event_image_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/06\/event_fb-9400.jpg",       "event_content":"lungo il tevere roma 2016, bancarelle sulle banchine del tevere",       "event_owner":"1",       "event_start_time":"22:00:00",       "event_end_time":"03:00:00",       "event_all_day":"0",       "event_start_date":"2016-07-05",       "event_end_date":"2016-07-06",       "location_name":"lungotevere",       "location_owner":"1",       "location_address":"piazza navona 2",       "location_town":"roma",       "location_state":null,       "location_postcode":null,       "location_region":null,       "location_country":"it",       "location_latitude":"41.897785",       "location_longitude":"12.472971"    },    {         "event_id":"3",       "event_name":"black mountain + soviet soviet",       "event_image_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2016\/04\/timthumb.jpeg",       "event_content":"affrontare la psichedelia granitica dei black mountain",       "event_owner":"1",       "event_start_time":"20:00:00",       "event_end_time":"00:00:00",       "event_all_day":"0",       "event_start_date":"2016-07-05",       "event_end_date":"2016-07-06",       "location_name":"villa ada",       "location_owner":"1",       "location_address":"villa ada ",       "location_town":"roma",       "location_state":null,       "location_postcode":null,       "location_region":null,       "location_country":"it",       "location_latitude":"41.932831",       "location_longitude":"12.501247"    },    {         "event_id":"7",       "event_name":"test 4",       "event_image_url":"",       "event_content":"05test 4",       "event_owner":"1",       "event_start_time":"01:00:00",       "event_end_time":"05:00:00",       "event_all_day":"0",       "event_start_date":"2016-07-06",       "event_end_date":"2016-07-06",       "location_name":"villa ada",       "location_owner":"1",       "location_address":"villa ada ",       "location_town":"roma",       "location_state":null,       "location_postcode":null,       "location_region":null,       "location_country":"it",       "location_latitude":"41.932831",       "location_longitude":"12.501247"    } ] 

i need manage errors , json this, if objects list empty:

[      {         "status":"0",       "message":"no event"    } ] 

for implementation used

at moment, if there no events ( object model ), retrive 200 response code , json. how can manage scenario? have change api rest response give me 404 or 400 , manage error?

instead of using object model use response body in method

example in retrofit 2.x

 public interface requestservice{     @get("/users/{user}")     call<responsebody> getlogin(@field("userid") string, @field("password") string); } 

in activity

requestservice service = retrofit.create(requestservice.class); call<responsebody> result = service.getlogin(username,password); result.enqueue(new callback<responsebody>() { @override public void onresponse(response<responsebody> response) {     try {         system.out.println(response.body().string());//parse json here     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } }  @override public void onfailure(throwable t) {     e.printstacktrace(); } }); 


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