angularjs - How can I make a variable in custom directives which can be access in controller file or in any other javascript file of the same app? -

i want declare variable in custom directives can access in same app.

my requirement declare variable in custom directive , value access me.

i want declare variable in below directive

.directive('nglistselect', ['$filter',     function($filter) {       return {         restrict: 'e',         replace: true,         scope: {           selectedlistitems: "=selectedlist",           availablelistitems: "=availablelist",           key: "@key",           buttonstyle: "@buttonstyle",           panelstyle: "@panelstyle",           height: "@height",           width: "@width",           availablelabel: "@availablelabel",           selectedlabel: "@selectedlabel"         },         templateurl: 'nglistselect.html',         compile: function(telem, tattrs) {           return {             pre: function(scope, ielem, iattrs) {               scope.availabletext = angular.isundefined(scope.availablelabel) ? 'available' : scope.availablelabel;               scope.selectedtext = angular.isundefined(scope.selectedlabel) ? 'selected' : scope.selectedlabel;               scope.height = angular.isundefined(scope.height) ? '144px' : scope.height;               scope.width = angular.isundefined(scope.width) ? '640px' : scope.width;               scope.buttonstyle = angular.isundefined(scope.buttonstyle) ? 'alpha' : scope.buttonstyle;               scope.buttonclass = getcolor(scope.buttonstyle, 'button');               scope.panelstyle = angular.isundefined(scope.panelstyle) ? 'alpha' : scope.panelstyle;               scope.panelclass = getcolor(scope.panelstyle, 'panel');               scope.leftmouseselecteditems = [];               scope.rightmouseselecteditems = [];               scope.dropdownstyle = {                 height: scope.height               };               scope.containerstyle = {                 width: scope.width               };               scope.ascendingorderflag = true;               scope.topletter = 'a';               scope.bottomletter = 'z';               scope.letterstyle = {                 maincontainer:{"width":"10px","line-height":"9px"},                 letter:{"font-size":"10px","float":"left","font-weight":"600","font-family":"sans-serif"},                 lettercrimson:{"font-size":"10px","float":"left","font-weight":"600","font-family":"sans-serif", "color":"crimson"},                 letterdarkblue:{"font-size":"10px","float":"left","font-weight":"600","font-family":"sans-serif", "color":"darkblue"},                  arrow:{"font-size":"25px"}               };                 if (scope.availablelistitems[0] instanceof object) {                 scope.leftselectngoption = "item item." + scope.key + " item in availablelistitems | orderby:'" + scope.key + "'";                 scope.rightselectngoption = "item item." + scope.key + " item  in selectedlistitems";                 scope.availablelistitems = getunique(scope.availablelistitems, scope.key);               }                else {                 scope.leftselectngoption = "item item item in availablelistitems | orderby:'tostring()'";                 scope.rightselectngoption = "item item item in selectedlistitems";                 scope.availablelistitems = getunique(scope.availablelistitems);               }                function getcolor(colorclass, type) {                 var data = {}, color = {};                 switch (colorclass) {                     case 'pearl':                         type === 'button' ? (data['btn-default'] = true) : (data['panel-default'] = true);                         break;                     case 'blue':                         type === 'button' ? (data['btn-primary'] = true) : (data['panel-primary'] = true);                         break;                     case 'alpha':                         color = {};                         color['background-color'] = 'hsl(193, 32%, 49%) !important';color['background-repeat'] = 'repeat-x';color['filter'] = '"#b8d3da", endcolorstr="#5493a4")';color['background-image'] = '-khtml-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#b8d3da), to(#5493a4))';color['background-image'] = '-moz-linear-gradient(top, #b8d3da, #5493a4)';color['background-image'] = '-ms-linear-gradient(top, #b8d3da, #5493a4)';color['background-image'] = '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #b8d3da), color-stop(100%, #5493a4))';color['background-image'] = '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #b8d3da, #5493a4)';color['background-image'] = '-o-linear-gradient(top, #b8d3da, #5493a4)';color['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(#b8d3da, #5493a4)';color['border-color'] = '#5493a4 #5493a4 hsl(193, 32%, 41.5%)';color['color'] = '#333 !important';color['text-shadow'] = '0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.49)';color['-webkit-font-smoothing'] = 'antialiased';                         type === 'button' ? (scope.buttoncssstyle = color) : (scope.panelcssstyle = color);                         break;                     case 'sand':                         color = {};                         color['background-color'] = 'hsl(33, 32%, 49%) !important';color['background-repeat'] = 'repeat-x';color['filter'] = '"#dacbb8", endcolorstr="#a48054")';color['background-image'] = '-khtml-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#dacbb8), to(#a48054))';color['background-image'] = '-moz-linear-gradient(top, #dacbb8, #a48054)';color['background-image'] = '-ms-linear-gradient(top, #dacbb8, #a48054)';color['background-image'] = '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #dacbb8), color-stop(100%, #a48054))';color['background-image'] = '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #dacbb8, #a48054)';color['background-image'] = '-o-linear-gradient(top, #dacbb8, #a48054)';color['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(#dacbb8, #a48054)';color['border-color'] = '#a48054 #a48054 hsl(33, 32%, 41.5%)';color['color'] = '#333 !important';color['text-shadow'] = '0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.49)';color['-webkit-font-smoothing'] = 'antialiased';                         type === 'button' ? (scope.buttoncssstyle = color) : (scope.panelcssstyle = color);                         break;                                                         case 'olive':                         color = {};                         color['background-color'] = 'hsl(89, 32%, 49%) !important';color['background-repeat'] = 'repeat-x';color['filter'] = '"#cadab8", endcolorstr="#7ea454")';color['background-image'] = '-khtml-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#cadab8), to(#7ea454))';color['background-image'] = '-moz-linear-gradient(top, #cadab8, #7ea454)';color['background-image'] = '-ms-linear-gradient(top, #cadab8, #7ea454)';color['background-image'] = '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #cadab8), color-stop(100%, #7ea454))';color['background-image'] = '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #cadab8, #7ea454)';color['background-image'] = '-o-linear-gradient(top, #cadab8, #7ea454)';color['background-image'] = 'linear-gradient(#cadab8, #7ea454)';color['border-color'] = '#7ea454 #7ea454 hsl(89, 32%, 41.5%)';color['color'] = '#333 !important';color['text-shadow'] = '0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.49)';color['-webkit-font-smoothing'] = 'antialiased';                         type === 'button' ? (scope.buttoncssstyle = color) : (scope.panelcssstyle = color);                         break;                     default:                         data[colorclass] = true;                 }                 return data;               }                function getunique(array, key) {                 if (array[0] instanceof object) {                   var object = {};                   (var = 0; < array.length; i++){                     object[array[i][key]] = array[i];                   }                   array = [];                   (var objkey in object) {                     array.push(object[objkey]);                   }                   return array;                 } else {                   return array.sort().filter(function(item, pos, ary) {                     return !pos || item != ary[pos - 1];                   });                 }               }                function orderselections() {                 if (scope.selectedlistitems[0] instanceof object) {                   scope.selectedlistitems = $filter('orderby')(scope.selectedlistitems, scope.key);                 }                  else {                   scope.selectedlistitems = $filter('orderby')(scope.selectedlistitems, 'tostring()');                 }               }                 scope.setascendingdescendingorder = function() {                 if(scope.ascendingorderflag) {                   scope.topletter = 'z';                   scope.bottomletter = 'a';                   scope.ascendingorderflag = false;                   if (scope.selectedlistitems[0] instanceof object) {                     scope.selectedlistitems = setordering(scope.key, true);                   }                   else {                      scope.selectedlistitems = setordering('tostring()', true);                   }                 }                 else {                    scope.topletter = 'a';                   scope.bottomletter = 'z';                   scope.ascendingorderflag = true;                   if (scope.selectedlistitems[0] instanceof object) {                     scope.selectedlistitems = setordering(scope.key, false);                   }                   else {                      scope.selectedlistitems = setordering('tostring()', false);                   }                 }               };                function setordering(ordervariable, reverse) {                 return $filter('orderby')(scope.selectedlistitems, ordervariable, reverse);               }                scope.additemstoright = function() {                 angular.foreach(scope.leftmouseselecteditems, function(leftmouseselecteditem, key) {                   scope.selectedlistitems.push(leftmouseselecteditem);                   angular.foreach(scope.availablelistitems, function(availablelistitem, index) {                     if (scope.availablelistitems[0] instanceof object) {                       if (availablelistitem[scope.key] === leftmouseselecteditem[scope.key]) {                         scope.availablelistitems.splice(index, 1);                       }                     } else {                       if (availablelistitem === leftmouseselecteditem) {                         scope.availablelistitems.splice(index, 1);                       }                     }                   });                 });                 scope.leftmouseselecteditems = [];                 orderselections();                 setselectedoptiondisabledenabled();               };                scope.addallitemstoright = function() {                 angular.foreach(scope.availablelistitems, function(availablelistitem, key) {                   scope.selectedlistitems.push(availablelistitem);                 });                 scope.availablelistitems = [];                 scope.leftmouseselecteditems = [];                 orderselections();                 setselectedoptiondisabledenabled();               };                scope.additemstoleft = function() {                 angular.foreach(scope.rightmouseselecteditems, function(rightmouseselecteditem, key) {                   scope.availablelistitems.push(rightmouseselecteditem);                   angular.foreach(scope.selectedlistitems, function(selectedlistitem, index) {                     if (scope.availablelistitems[0] instanceof object) {                       if (selectedlistitem[scope.key] === rightmouseselecteditem[scope.key]) {                         scope.selectedlistitems.splice(index, 1);                       }                     } else {                       if (selectedlistitem === rightmouseselecteditem) {                         scope.selectedlistitems.splice(index, 1);                       }                     }                   });                 });                 scope.rightmouseselecteditems = [];                 setselectedoptiondisabledenabled();               };                scope.addallitemstoleft = function() {                 angular.foreach(scope.selectedlistitems, function(selectedlistitem, key) {                   scope.availablelistitems.push(selectedlistitem);                 });                 scope.selectedlistitems = [];                 scope.rightmouseselecteditems = [];                 setselectedoptiondisabledenabled();               };                function setselectedoptiondisabledenabled() {                 scope.isselectedoptiondisabled = scope.selectedlistitems.length<=0;               }                 scope.additemstotop = function() {                 var previndex = -1;                 angular.foreach(scope.rightmouseselecteditems, function(rightmouseselecteditem, key) {                   var itemindex = scope.selectedlistitems.indexof(rightmouseselecteditem);                   if (itemindex - 1 === previndex) {                     previndex = itemindex;                   } else if (itemindex > 0) {                     var itemtomove = scope.selectedlistitems.splice(itemindex, 1);                     scope.selectedlistitems.splice(itemindex - 1, 0, itemtomove[0]);                   }                 });               };                scope.additemstodown = function() {                 var previndex = scope.selectedlistitems.length;                 angular.foreach(scope.rightmouseselecteditems.concat().reverse(), function(rightmouseselecteditem, key) {                   var itemindex = scope.selectedlistitems.indexof(rightmouseselecteditem);                   if (itemindex + 1 === previndex) {                     previndex = itemindex;                   } else if (itemindex < scope.selectedlistitems.length - 1) {                     var itemtomove = scope.selectedlistitems.splice(itemindex, 1);                     scope.selectedlistitems.splice(itemindex + 1, 0, itemtomove[0]);                   }                 });               };               setselectedoptiondisabledenabled();             }           };         }       };     }   ]); })(window, window.angular); 
    <div><button type='button' class='btn btn-success btn-xs' ng-click='editpermissionfx(selectedlist)'><span class='fa > fa-check'></span>save</button>" +                        "<button type='button' class='btn btn-link btn-xs' ng-click='editpermissioncancelfx()'>cancel</button>" +                  "</div>" 

as declared in directive unable editpermissionfx(selectedlist) selectedlist in controller file.

and controller file is:

angular.module('mainapp1',['nglistselect']).controller('myctrl1',function($scope,$http){     $scope.editpermission=false;     $scope.grp=false;     $scope.showgrp=[];      $scope.availablelist= [         {name: "john", email: ""},          {name: "avinash", email: ""},         {name:"priya", email: ""}];     });      $scope.selectedlist = []; }); 

if looking global variable, appropriate way service or factory. factory:

angular.module("mymodule").factory("globalsettings", function () {   return {     variable1: "value"   } }); 

this give inject-able container global variable. can set in directive , read in controller. controller:

angular.module("mymodule").controller("somecontroller", function (globalsettings) {   if (globalsettings.variable1 == "somevalue") {     // whatever   } }); 

and directive

angular.module("mymodule").directive("somedirective", function (globalsettings) {     return {         link: function (scope, element, attrs) {             // whatever             globalsettings.variable1 = "appropriatevalue";             // whatever         }     }       }); 

this recommended way share data among controllers , directives.


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