sql - Group by error ssms, should be quick fix but can't find it -

below query. i'm getting error in group by statement, , cannot figure out why. included error well.

select a.[order date]     ,a.[customer #]     ,a.[order #]     ,a.[order type]     ,ordertotal     ,case          when c.offertype in ('catalog')             'y'         else 'n'         end 'catalog match'     ,b.channelgroup lwpim.dbo.marketingreporting left join (     select sum([total price]) ordertotal     lwpim.dbo.marketingreporting     [order date] between '2016-01-01'             , '2016-06-30'     group [order date]         ,[total price]     ) d left join user_sandbox.dbo.offercodeoffertype c on a.[offer number] = c.offercode     , a.[matchback offer number] = c.offercode left join user_sandbox.dbo.gadata2016 b on a.[order #] = b.order_number group a.[customer #]     ,a.[order #]     ,a.[order date]     ,a.[order type]     ,ordertotal     ,case          when c.offertype in ('catalog')             'y'         else 'n'         end     ,b.channelgroup order a.[order date] desc     ,ordertotal desc 

msg 156, level 15, state 1, line 16 incorrect syntax near keyword 'group'.


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