php - Update two MySQL Databases -

i have read on several threads possible update 2 databases using inner join update query unable work, throws error:

fatal error: uncaught exception 'pdoexception' message 'sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1052 column 'category' in field list ambiguous' in c:\xampp\htdocs\update.php:79 stack trace: #0 c:\xampp\htdocs\update.php(79): pdostatement->execute(array) #1 {main} thrown in c:\xampp\htdocs\update.php on line 79

line 79: $result = $stmt->execute($prepare);

if (isset($_post['update'])) {     $category = isset($_post['category']) ? $_post['category'] : null;     $manufactuer = isset($_post['manufactuer']) ? $_post['manufactuer'] : null;     $model = isset($_post['model']) ? $_post['model'] : null;     $serial = isset($_post['serial']) ? $_post['serial'] : null;     $itemcondition = isset($_post['itemcondition']) ? $_post['itemcondition'] : null;     $locationb = isset($_post['locationb']) ? $_post['locationb'] : null;     $locationr = isset($_post['locationr']) ? $_post['locationr'] : null;     $comments = isset($_post['comments']) ? $_post['comments'] : null;     $purchased = isset($_post['purchased']) ? $_post['purchased'] : null;     $retired = isset($_post['retired']) ? $_post['retired'] : null;     $stolen = isset($_post['stolen']) ? $_post['stolen'] : null;      $sql_part = array();     $prepare = array();     if ($category){         $sql_part[] = 'category = :category';         $prepare[':category'] = $category;     }     if($manufactuer){         $sql_part[] = 'manufactuer = :manufactuer';         $prepare[':manufactuer'] = $manufactuer;     }     if($model){         $sql_part[] = 'model = :model';         $prepare[':model'] = $model;     }     if($serial){         $sql_part[] = 'serial = :serial';         $prepare[':serial'] = $serial;     }     if($itemcondition){         $sql_part[] = 'itemcondition = :itemcondition';         $prepare[':itemcondition'] = $itemcondition;     }     if($locationb){         $sql_part[] = 'locationb = :locationb';         $prepare[':locationb'] = $locationb;     }     if($locationr){         $sql_part[] = 'locationr = :locationr';         $prepare[':locationr'] = $locationr;     }     if($comments){         $sql_part[] = 'comments = :comments';         $prepare[':comments'] = $comments;     }     if($purchased){         $sql_part[] = 'purchased = :purchased';         $prepare[':purchased'] = $purchased;     }     if($retired){         $sql_part[] = 'retired = :retired';         $prepare[':retired'] = $retired;     }     if($stolen){         $sql_part[] = 'stolen = :stolen';         $prepare[':stolen'] = $stolen;     }     $prepare[':barcode'] = $barcode;      if(count($sql_part)){         $sql = 'update assets inner join assets_history b on (a.barcode = b.barcode) set ';         $sql .= implode(', ', $sql_part);         $sql .= ' a.barcode = :barcode , b.barcode = :barcode';          $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);          if($stmt){             $result = $stmt->execute($prepare);             $count = $stmt->rowcount();             header('location: ./usearch.php');             exit;         }     } } 

this database structure, in case it's needed:

  `barcode` int(6) unsigned zerofill not null   `category` text not null   `manufactuer` text not null   `model` varchar(255) not null   `serial` varchar(255) not null   `itemcondition` text not null   `locationb` text not null   `locationr` text not null,   `comments` varchar(255) not null   `purchased` varchar(30) not null   `retired` varchar(30) not null   `stolen` varchar(30) not null 

is there better way or missing stupid.

i've seen possibility of relating 2 table's columns in phpmyadmin not tried yet. 2 tables identical, 1 keep updates made records.

i've had no luck these articles, 1 of them basis of code.

mysql update syntax multiple tables using clause

mysql update 2 tables @ once

how update 2 tables in 1 statement in sql server 2005?

mysql, update multiple tables 1 query

use table name column category present in both table

if ($category){     $sql_part[] = 'assets.category = :category';     $prepare[':category'] = $category; } 


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