mysql - SQL Query Returning Deleted Rows -

i have following table in database, stated data in it:

support_user_roles table:

user_id  |   role_id 1        |   1 1        |   2 2        |   2 *2*      |   *1* 

the bottom row, notated '*' has been deleted , in sql developer there no sign of it.

i running following query:

select su.user_id      , su.username      , sur.role_id      , sr.role_name    support_users su      , support_users_roles sur      , support_roles sr   su.user_id = sur.user_id     , su.is_active != ‘n’     , sr.role_id = sur.role_id     , sr.is_active != ‘n’ 

and returning following:

{  (user_id : 1, role_id : 1),      (user_id : 1, role_id : 2),     (user_id : 2, role_id : 1),      (user_id : 2, role_id : 2)  } 

as can see, still giving me:

(user_id : 2, role_id : 1)  

even though doesn't exist anywhere anymore.

i using java, jsf, primefaces, sql developer, hibernate, weblogic , eclipse ide. i'm not sure if i'm massively missing here , need refresh/update somewhere.

i haven't had before i'm massively confused @ moment :s

any appreciated!

putting comment answer after knowing issue

please make sure use commit same connection program ran delete statement. deleting application , commiting on sql developer not work.

right can 1 of 2 things

(1) change code , run commit once , make sure use commit after every dml statement.

(2) use delete , commit together. if data deleted, wont deleted again , commit happen after that. if not deleted, if deleted , committed.


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