ios - Export iPhone contacts to .vcf file programatically -

i want choose iphone contacts in contacts application, generate .vcf file, write chosen contacts in file , send server.

as know in ios 9 many functions of address book depreciated, can me write code in correct way.

the general pieces need are:

  1. the contacts framework accessing phone's contacts.
  2. the contactsui framework use built-in view controllers accessing contacts.
  3. use cncontactvcardserialization.datawithcontacts encode cncontact data vcard format.
  4. write data file using data.writetourl.
  5. upload data server using nsurlsession.

below example answers question of saving contact vcard format.

import contacts  // creating mutable object add contact let contact = cnmutablecontact()  contact.imagedata = nsdata() // profile picture nsdata object  contact.givenname = "john" contact.familyname = "appleseed"  let homeemail = cnlabeledvalue(label:cnlabelhome, value:"") let workemail = cnlabeledvalue(label:cnlabelwork, value:"") contact.emailaddresses = [homeemail, workemail]  contact.phonenumbers = [cnlabeledvalue(     label:cnlabelphonenumberiphone,     value:cnphonenumber(stringvalue:"(408) 555-0126"))]  let homeaddress = cnmutablepostaladdress() homeaddress.street = "1 infinite loop" = "cupertino" homeaddress.state = "ca" homeaddress.postalcode = "95014" contact.postaladdresses = [cnlabeledvalue(label:cnlabelhome, value:homeaddress)]  let birthday = nsdatecomponents() = 1 birthday.month = 4 birthday.year = 1988  // can omit year value yearless birthday contact.birthday = birthday   let data = try cncontactvcardserialization.datawithcontacts([contact])  let s = string(data: data, encoding: nsutf8stringencoding)  if let directoryurl = nsfilemanager.defaultmanager().urlsfordirectory(.documentdirectory, indomains: .userdomainmask).first {      let fileurl = directoryurl.urlbyappendingpathcomponent("john.appleseed").urlbyappendingpathextension("vcf")      try data.writetourl(fileurl, options: [.atomicwrite]) } 


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