javascript - How should I properly use setAttribute() method? -
i have single svg element i'm adding rect element createelement() method , giving width , height setattribute() method.
var svg = document.queryselector("svg"); function addrect(side) { var newrect = document.createelement("rect"); svg.appendchild(newrect); var thisrect = svg.lastchild; thisrect.setattribute("width", side); thisrect.setattribute("height", side); } addrect("100");
the result in chrome dev tools show <rect width="100" height="100"></rect>
, yet rect doesn't have dimensions.
what doing wrong?
when creating svg elements, you'd use createelementns create elements qualified namespace, svg elements
document.createelementns("", "svg");
and attributes you'd use setattributens, regular attributes width , height, setattribute should work
svg.setattributens("", "xmlns:xlink", "");
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