php - Dependent Dropdown and Input not getting populated (Codeigniter, Ajax, jQuery) -

i try cascading dependent select box , input in codeigniter ajax. first step works quite well. securities can loaded, when selecting account. problem starts second step. so, when try after security-selection set appropriate changeable inputs, security-select getting blocked , nothing works. don't understand problem is. please me, nasty blockage dissolve. thanks.


$(document).ready(function(){   var _form = $("#trans_form").serializearray();   $('#amount_section').hide();   $('#quantity_section').hide();   $('#accountdrop').on('change',function(){     $("#securitydrop > option").remove();     var accountid = $(this).val();     if(accountid == '#') {return false;}     $.ajax({       data: _form,        type: "post",        url: global_base_url + "custody/get_securities_dropdown/" + accountid,        success: function(securities) {           $.each(securities,function(id,value) {               var opt = $('<option />');               opt.val(id);               opt.text(value);               $('#securitydrop').append(opt);           });       }     }); });  $('#securitydrop').on('change',function(){   $('#amount_section').hide();   $('#quantity_section').hide();     var securityid = $(this).val();     if(securityid == '#') {return false;}     $.ajax({       data: _form,        type: "post",        url: global_base_url + "custody/get_security_unit_ajax/" + securityid,        success: function(securunit) {         if (securunit == "unit") {           $('#quantity_section').show(300);         };         else if (securunit == "famt") {           $('#amount_section').show(300);         };       }     }); }); 



public function get_securities_dropdown($account_id){         $securities = $this->custody_model->get_security_by_account($account_id);         header('content-type: application/x-json; charset=utf-8');         echo json_encode($securities);     }  public function get_security_unit_ajax($security_id){     $securunit = $this->custody_model->get_security_unit($security_id);     header('content-type: application/x-json; charset=utf-8');     echo json_encode($securunit); } 


public function get_accounts_dropdown(){         $accounts = $this->db->select("id id, account_desc descr")                             ->order_by("descr", "asc")                             ->get($this->table2)->result();         $accounts_arr;         $accounts_arr['#'] = '-- please select account --';         foreach ($accounts $account) {             $accounts_arr[$account->id] = $account->descr;         }         return $accounts_arr;     }      public function get_security_by_account($account_id){         if(!is_null($account_id)){             $securities = $this->db->where("a.id_account", $account_id)                         ->select(" id, b.security_desc descr")                         ->join($this->table5 . " b", " = a.id_security")                         ->order_by("descr", "asc")                         ->get($this->table6 . " a");             if($securities->num_rows() > 0){                 $securities_arr;                 foreach ($securities->result() $security) {                     $securities_arr[$security->id] = $security->descr;                 }                 return $securities_arr;             }         }         return;     } 


<?php echo form_open_multipart(site_url("custody/add_transaction_pro"), array("id" => "trans_form")) ?>     <div>         <label for="accountdrop">account</label>         <div>            <?php echo form_dropdown('accountdrop', $account_arr, '#', 'id="accountdrop"'); ?>         </div>     </div>     <div id="security_section">         <label for="security_select">security</label>         <div> <select name="securitydrop" class="required" id="securitydrop">               <option value="#">-- please select security --</option>             </select>         </div>     </div> <div id="quantity_section">         <label for="quantity">quantity</label>         <div id="quantityinput">             <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity">         </div>     </div>     <div id="amount_section">         <label for="settl_amount">amount</label>         <div id="amountinput">             <input type="text" id="settl_amount" name="settl_amount">         </div>     </div> 

i have solved it. error quite simple, unnecessary semicolons in ajax part. syntax if() { } else if{ }


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