delphi - How do I work with an array of type (TList, class) with Delphi7 -

i have old programm variable:

modul : array[1..4] of array[0..5] of array[1..3] of tmodul; 

i can store modules in list:

procedure test; var   list: tlist;   pmodul: pointer; begin   pmodul := addr(modul);   list:= tlist.create;   list.add(pmodul);   //...; end; 

but how can read element list

? := modul[x,y,z].measvalue.value[i]; 

from list?

and how can pass modul function/procedure this:

ttest=class(tobject)   private     fmodul: tmodul;     function getmodul: tmodul;     procedure setmodul(const value: tmodul); // isnt't work   public     property modul: tmodul read getmodul write setmodul;  end;  

so can work modul , tobjectlist?

thanks in advance.

i found following solution:


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