Dynamic value graph creation in yii2 using GoogleChart? -
here wanna draw line chart graph dynamic value.but in case every value of array created different different graph...please me first time task.thanks in advances
<?php $modelemployee=employee::find()->select(['id','sales','expenses'])->all(); $arr = array('id'=>array(), 'sales'=>array(), 'expenses'=>array()); for($i = 0, $modem = $modelemployee; $i < sizeof($modelemployee); $i++){ $arr['id'] = $modem[$i]['id']; $arr['sales'] = $modem[$i]['sales']; $arr['expenses'] = $modem[$i]['expenses']; print_r($arr); echo googlechart::widget(array('visualization' => 'linechart', 'data' => array( array('year', 'sales', 'expenses'), array($arr['id'],$arr['sales'],$arr['expenses']), ), 'options' => array( 'title' => 'my company performance2', 'titletextstyle' => array('color' => '#ff0000'), 'vaxis' => array( 'title' => 'scott vaxis', 'gridlines' => array( 'color' => 'transparent' //set grid line transparent )), 'haxis' => array('title' => 'scott haixs'), 'curvetype' => 'function', //smooth curve or not 'legend' => array('position' => 'bottom'), ))); ?>
first of multiple graphs because doing echo inside loop take 1 value , create graph that.
you have create array of values , pass graph widget following
$graph_data = []; $graph_data[] = array('year', 'sales', 'expenses'); for($i = 0, $modem = $modelemployee; $i < sizeof($modelemployee); $i++){ $arr['id'] = $modem[$i]['id']; $arr['sales'] = $modem[$i]['sales']; $arr['expenses'] = $modem[$i]['expenses']; $graph_data[] = array($arr['id'],$arr['sales'],$arr['expenses']); //add values require set in order of year, sales , expenses } //loop ends here echo googlechart::widget(array('visualization' => 'linechart', 'data' => $graph_data, 'options' => array( 'title' => 'my company performance2', 'titletextstyle' => array('color' => '#ff0000'), 'vaxis' => array( 'title' => 'scott vaxis', 'gridlines' => array( 'color' => 'transparent' //set grid line transparent )), 'haxis' => array('title' => 'scott haixs'), 'curvetype' => 'function', //smooth curve or not 'legend' => array('position' => 'bottom'), )));
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