csvhelper - C# CSVWriter how to avoid getting empty line at the end of writing all lines to a file -
i using csvwriter write csv using following link:
how create csv header , footer using linqtocsv or better in c#
but reason getting empty line created @ end. can me doing wrong or how can avoid getting empty line?
here code create csv using csvwriter:
using (var writer = file.appendtext(outputcsv)) { var csv = new csvwriter(writer); csv.configuration.registerclassmap<custommap>(); csv.configuration.hasheaderrecord = true; csv.configuration.quotenofields = true; csv.configuration.delimiter = "|"; csv.writerecords(asrunlogs.tolist()); csv.writerecord(new csvfooterrecord() { footertext = $"trailer:{"qsaam_promos.csv"}|{datetime.now.tostring("ddmmyyhhmm")}|{asrunlogs.count}" }); }
when open file in notepad++, can see empty line @ end.
appreciate regard this.
you do
writer.write($"trailer:{"qsaam_promos.csv"}|{datetime.now.tostring("ddmmyyhhmm")}|{asrunlogs.count}"); writer.flush();
instead of
csv.writerecord(new csvfooterrecord() { footertext = $"trailer:{"qsaam_promos.csv"}|{datetime.now.tostring("ddmmyyhhmm")}|{asrunlogs.count}" });
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