android implicit intent edit failed to load image -

this implicit intent invoke image editing apps on device:

startactivity(new intent(intent.action_edit).setdataandtype(myuri,      getmimetype(myuri)).setflags(intent.flag_grant_read_uri_permission |       intent.flag_grant_write_uri_permission)); 

and how getmimetype:

public string getmimetype(uri uri) {     string mimetype = null;     if (uri.getscheme().equals(contentresolver.scheme_content)) {         contentresolver cr = getcontentresolver();         mimetype = cr.gettype(uri);     } else {         string fileextension = mimetypemap.getfileextensionfromurl(uri                 .tostring());         mimetype = mimetypemap.getsingleton().getmimetypefromextension(                 fileextension.tolowercase());     }     return mimetype; } 

for apps crashes load:

on app sketch_camera invisible page loads , disables interaction app.

on app airbrush loads app crashes message "failed load image".

is related minimum sdk version mine 16? i've tested on minimum sdk version of 9 , no change in result.

is there else should add intent work apps?

i've tried putextra , doesn't help:

.putextra(intent.action_edit, myuri); 

i've gallery apps on device , of them launch sketch_camera , airbrush without problem.

what's happening here? i'm confused after 2 days of struggling phenomena.

it's file created path of 1 media store file querying

there no guarantee other app has rights location, or your app has rights location. example, image on removable storage. besides, the file uri scheme being banned cross-app usage, anyway.

use content uri instead. example, in this sample app, query mediastore videos. given cursor named row positioned @ particular video, generate uri via:

videouri=     contenturis.withappendedid(, row.getint(row.getcolumnindex(; 

this uri both works own purposes (e.g., hand picasso thumbnail, hand videoview playback) , handing third-party apps (e.g., action_view playback).

other changing base uri 1 queried against (, same basic code should work you.

also, rid of flags intent. intent points own contentprovider, not case in either original code or uri create withappendedid().


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