jquery - Filtering through Javascript 2d array -

i have 2d array

 var items = [['alex',2],['alex',4],['alex',6],['jhon',11],['jhon',13]]; 

but in html want render array like

**names**   **numbers**    alex   => 2,4,6   jhon   => 11,13 

you can use reduce() return object , object.keys() , foreach loop add html

var items = [['alex',2],['alex',4],['alex',6],['jhon',11],['jhon',13]];  var result = items.reduce(function(r, e) {    r[e[0]] = (r[e[0]] || []).concat(e[1]);    return r;  }, {});    var rows = '';  object.keys(result).foreach(function(e) {    rows += '<tr><td>' + e + '</td><td>' + result[e].join(',') + '</td></tr>';  });    document.queryselector('table tbody').innerhtml += rows;
<table>    <tbody>      <tr><td>names</td><td>numbers</td></tr>    </tbody>  </table>


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