python - start flask server @ startup with supervisor: FATAL Exited too quickly -

i trying start flaskserver @ startup of supervisor. error message:

python_auutostart                fatal      exited (process log may have details) 

this entry in logfile:

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 2, in <module>     app import app   file "/home/flaskserver/app/", line 1, in <module>     flask import flask importerror: no module named flask 

this .conf:

[program:python_auutostart] user=nobody command = python directory = /home/flaskserver/ autostart = true autorestart = true stderr_logfile=/etc/supervisor/long.err.log stdout_logfile=/etc/supervisor/long.out.log 

i can start flaskserver without problems if run ./ don´t run supervisor. don´t see why importerror posted. maybe some1 can point me probleme here.

the python use default system python (you can check wich which python should display /usr/bin/python or wherever system python is). not have access (by default) libraries installed in virtual environment. instead should use python specific virtualenv. can explicitly calling python should located in /path/to/virtualenv/env/bin/python. can check activating virtualenv , which python should output path python of virtualenv.


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