html - Change the content for each tab Angular 2 -
i'm using segmentedbar tabs. , menu.html file looks this:
<stacklayout orientation="vertical" width="310" height="610"> <nav> <h1 class="title">hello world</h1> <segmentedbar #tabs [items]="items" [selectedindex]="selectedindex" ></segmentedbar> </nav> </stacklayout>
- the problem if modify it, nothing seems happen on ui. shows tabs, that's it, i.e. 'hello world' doesn't show on interface. want modify html, there other actions happen. why happening?
- how can change views, there different views each tab?
and here menu.component.ts file:
import {component, oninit, ondestroy, afterviewinit, viewchild, elementref} '@angular/core'; import {page} 'ui/page'; import {segmentedbar, segmentedbaritem, selectedindexchangedeventdata} 'ui/segmented-bar'; @component({ selector: 'tabs', templateurl:"./components/menu/menu.html" }) export class tabscomponent implements oninit, ondestroy, afterviewinit { selectedindex: number; items: array<any>; @viewchild("tabs") tabs: elementref; // equal getviewbyid() in nativescript core constructor(private page: page) { this.selectedindex = 0; this.items = [{ title: 'home' }, { title: 'g+' }, { title: 'sync' }]; } ngoninit() { } ngafterviewinit() { this.tabs.nativeelement.on(segmentedbar.selectedindexchangedevent, (args: selectedindexchangedeventdata) => { switch (args.newindex) { case 0: console.log('home selected') break; case 1: console.log('g+ selected') break; case 3: console.log('sync selected') break; } }) } ngondestroy() { } }
you can't use dom in nativescript meaning can not use browser specific tags h1, ul, li, div, etc.. if want own tags can achieve integrating third-party components.
the segmented bar different tabview - not provide content space segmented bar. should use selectedindex modify page depending on it.
here simple implementation on how change content based on user selection (it demonstration- there many better solutions. example use partial views a.k.a. custom components , declare boolean variable visibility change)
<stacklayout orientation="vertical" width="310" height="610"> <segmentedbar #tabs [items]="items" [selectedindex]="selectedindex" ></segmentedbar> <gridlayout #firsttabcontent width="300" height="500" backgroundcolor="orange" fontsize="40"> <label text="first" textwrap="true"></label> </gridlayout> <gridlayout #secondtabcontent width="300" height="500" backgroundcolor="red" fontsize="40"> <label text="second" textwrap="true"></label> </gridlayout> <gridlayout #thirdtabcontent width="300" height="500" backgroundcolor="green" fontsize="40"> <label text="third" textwrap="true"></label> </gridlayout> </stacklayout>
import {component, oninit, ondestroy, afterviewinit, viewchild, elementref} '@angular/core'; import {page} 'ui/page'; import {segmentedbar, segmentedbaritem, selectedindexchangedeventdata} 'ui/segmented-bar'; @component({ selector: 'tabs', templateurl: 'app.component.html' }) export class tabscomponent implements oninit, ondestroy, afterviewinit { selectedindex: number; items: array<any>; messages: array<any>; @viewchild("tabs") tabs: elementref; @viewchild("firsttabcontent") firsttabcontent: elementref; @viewchild("secondtabcontent") secondtabcontent: elementref; @viewchild("thirdtabcontent") thirdtabcontent: elementref; constructor(private page: page) { this.selectedindex = 0; this.items = [{ title: 'first' }, { title: 'second'}, { title: 'third'}]; } ngoninit() { // initial load setup this.firsttabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "visible"; this.secondtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; this.thirdtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; } ngafterviewinit() { this.tabs.nativeelement.on(segmentedbar.selectedindexchangedevent, (args: selectedindexchangedeventdata) => { switch (args.newindex) { case 0: console.log('first selected'); this.firsttabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "visible"; this.secondtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; this.thirdtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; break; case 1: console.log('second selected') this.firsttabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; this.secondtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "visible"; this.thirdtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; break; case 2: console.log('third selected') this.firsttabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; this.secondtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "collapsed"; this.thirdtabcontent.nativeelement.visibility = "visible"; break; } }) } ngondestroy() { } }
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