android - Stub value of Build.VERSION.SDK_INT in Local Unit Test -
i wondering if there anyway stub value of build.version.sdk_int
? suppose have following lines in classundertest
if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.jelly_bean) { //do work }else{ //do work }
how can cover code ?
i mean want run 2 tests different sdk_int enter both blocks.
is possible in android local unit tests using mockito
change value using reflection.
static void setfinalstatic(field field, object newvalue) throws exception { field.setaccessible(true); field modifiersfield = field.class.getdeclaredfield("modifiers"); modifiersfield.setaccessible(true); modifiersfield.setint(field, field.getmodifiers() &; field.set(null, newvalue); }
and then
setfinalstatic(build.version.class.getfield("sdk_int"), 123);
it tested. works.
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