adding specific database data to an excel file using VB.NET -

i want add data excel file, have established connection database , pulled information need stored procedure using ssms.

i have added columns based on information need, of rows static data here code:

private sub exceloutput_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles   dim xlapp excel.application dim xlworkbook excel.workbook dim xlworksheet excel.worksheet dim xlrange excel.range dim misvalue object = system.reflection.missing.value dim rnum random = new random    xlapp = new excel.application xlworkbook = xlapp.workbooks.add(misvalue) xlworksheet = xlworkbook.sheets("sheet1") xlrange = xlworksheet.usedrange   xlworksheet     .range("a1").value = "col1"     .range("b1").value = "col2"     .range("c1").value = "col3"     .range("d1").value = "col4"     .range("e1").value = "col5"     .range("f1").value = "col6"     .range("g1").value = "col7"     .range("h1").value = "col8"     .range("i1").value = "col9"     .range("j1").value = "col10"     .range("k1").value = "col11"     .range("l1").value = "col12"        xlworksheet.range("e2:e10").value ="dd-mmm-yy")         xlworksheet.range("f2:f10").value = "upload"         xlworksheet.range("g2:g10").value =         xlworksheet.range("i2:i10").value = "included"  end 

what want know how able loop through database table , populate each cell in excel file based on information in each column, example col1 have account customer id's pulled stored procedure. want use loop put excel file , include information.

i new appreciate guidance

let's use example

let's have pulled second query datatable. populate excel file order: a1 being 1660, b1 being ht5-088, a2 being 5882, etc....

here's code:

dim pos string = ""     integer = 0 datatable.rows.count - 1 'rows         j integer = 0 datatable.columns.count - 1 'columns             pos = chr(asc("a") + (j)) & 'calculate column according j             'after this, pos have right excel cell.             xlworksheet.range(pos).value = datatable.rows(i)(j)         next     next 

the gist here is, can use correct string represent excel range...


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