json - Jquery AutoComplete Shows all list Instead of search result -

i have jquery autocomplete source of json :

   $(function () {         $('body').delegate('input.city', 'focusin', function () {             $(this).autocomplete({                 source: function (request, response) {                      response($.map(json.parse(cityjs), function (item) {                         return { label: item.cityname, value: item.cityid };                     }))},                 minlength: 3             });         });      });  }); 

now when search in box shows label results in list instead of auto complete. when use method :

  var availabletags = ["...some content,some content..."];     $('body').delegate('input.city', 'focusin', function () {         $(this).autocomplete({ source: availabletags });     }); 

it works. problem need id of selected value box.

cityjs json array comes in model pair of cityid , cityname. cityjs sample :

[{"cityid":7,"cityname":"aaa"}, {"cityid":6,"cityname":"bbb"}, {"cityid":5,"cityname":"vvv"}] 


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