mean stack - Why MongoDB / MongoHub imports some float values as Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY? -

i did exports of collection (from localhost) mongodb client mongohub , imported mongohub remote server.

today found 142 values (of 68k) float values number.positive_infinity in remote server.

it happens in different property names, e.g; bygender.women


"bygender": {   "women": 10.232445707200000129,   "men": 43.622531699299997854 }, 

remote server:

"bygender": {   "women": number.positive_infinity,   "men": 43.622531699299997854 }, 

i checked export file , data it's correct issue should in import.

i give example other values converted number.positive_infinity:

  • 44.202104087999998683
  • 19.085516518799998664
  • 20.620553158300001684
  • 18.124746482399999081
  • 1.8338334224999999211

do know if there reason?

server ubuntu 16.04, mongo v3.2.7

solved doing export , import command line. might mongohub bug.


mongoexport --db databasename --collection collectionname --out filename.json 


mongoimport -d databasename -c collectionname --type json --file filename.json 


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