How to display total of a column in the last row of a datatable generated using jQuery? -

i have created datatable using jquery. table has 5 columns ,among 1 column payment amount. have display sum of values in payment column @ bottom of payment amount column. how can that?

below html code:

<table id="statement-table" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="wide100">                   <thead>                         <tr>                             <th class="black white-active-bg pad-bottom-0-5 cursor-auto">                             <input type="checkbox" id="select-all-statement" value="" />                             </th>                             <th id="stmt-column" class="black white-active-bg pad-bottom-0-5 cursor-auto">statement</th>                             <th id="duedate-column"class="black white-active-bg pad-bottom-0-5 cursor-auto">due date</th>                             <th id="totaldue-column" class="black white-active-bg pad-bottom-0-5 cursor-auto">total due</th>                             <th id="payment-column" class="black white-active-bg pad-bottom-0-5 cursor-auto">payment amount</th>                         </tr>                         </thead>                </table> 

below jquery code:

 $('#statement-table').datatable({          "data": json,          "dom": 't',          "info": false,          "pagelength": 8,          "columns": [              {"data":""},              {"data": "statementcode"},              {"data": "duedate"},              {"data": "statementbalance"},              {"data": "statementbalance"}           ],          "columndefs": [              {classname: "pad-md-left-p-10 pad-top-bottom-p-10 white-active-bg mouse-link", "targets": [0,1,2,3,4]},              {                  'targets':   0,                  'orderable': false,                   'render': function(data, type, full, meta) {                       ++index;                           return '<input type="checkbox" id="select-checkbox'+index+'" name="payment-checkbox" class="multi-checkbox"/><label for="select-checkbox"></label>';                   }              },              {                 'targets': 1,                 "fncreatedcell": function (ntd, sdata, odata, irow, icol) {                     $(ntd).html('<span id="pdf" class="stmt-identifier">'+sdata+'</span>');                 }              },              {                 'targets': 2,                 "fncreatedcell": function (ntd, sdata, odata, irow, icol) {                 $(ntd).text(date);                 }              },              {                  'targets': 3,                  'render': function (data, type, full, meta){                      return '$'+ data;                  }               },               {                  'targets': 4,                  'searchable':false,                  'orderable':false,                  'render': function (data, type, full, meta){                      return '<span class="dollar-font">$</span>'+                      '<input type="number" id="payement-textbox'+index+'" name="payment-textbox" min="0" max="100000" step="any" maxlength="9" class="payment" placeholder="--" value=""/>';                  }               }           ],          "aasorting": [[2, 'desc']],       }); //end of datatable function  

so, need print sum of values of "payment-column" in bottom of "payment column". this:

enter image description here

please help?

please see footer callback example on how sum data on pages.

for example, calculate total third column (zero-based column index 2):

$('#example').datatable( {     "footercallback": function ( row, data, start, end, display ) {         var api = this.api(), data;          // remove formatting integer data summation         var intval = function ( ) {             return typeof === 'string' ?                 i.replace(/[\$,]/g, '')*1 :                 typeof === 'number' ?                     : 0;         };          // total on pages         total = api             .column( 2 )             .data()             .reduce( function (a, b) {                 return intval(a) + intval(b);             }, 0 );          // update footer         $( api.column( 2 ).footer() ).html('$' + total);     } } ); 


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