c# - LinQ to SQL naming DataContext -
i have created dbml file has datacontext. dbml maps of database tables. far works since mapped german database naming looks quite weird.
public system.data.linq.table<warengruppe> warengruppes { { return this.gettable<warengruppe>(); } }
for non german speakers/writers, read waregroupens instead of waregroups. there way adjust naming of members in datacontext ? datacontext generated class , don't want adjust hand everytime, hoped set in designer , apply naming every time changed.
my datacontext internal , wrapped either way looks little bit hasn't put enough energy source code or wouldn't care , in case me , don't feeling.
you can turn off "plural"-naming behavior.
navigate tools
-> options
-> database tools
-> o/r designer
, turn off pluralization of names
setting false
i think not possible change plural caption behavior in way fit defined language. on/off possible. maybe depends on vs-version - in case vs2013 - not possible...
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