c# - Kendo error after upgrading to Dotnet Core 1.0 -

since upgrading core final 1.0 release, following error when running mvc site: on line 59 while running services.addkendo().

line 57: services.addmvc();   line 58: // register ui asp.net mvc helpers   line 59: services.addkendo();   line 60:   line 61: // addapplication services. 

system.reflection.targetinvocationexception: exception has been thrown target of invocation. ---> system.typeloadexception: not load type 'microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.servicecollectionextensions' assembly 'microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.abstractions, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=adb9793829ddae60'.
@ microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.servicecollectionextensions.addkendo(iservicecollection services) @ zepdata.com.startup.configureservices(iservicecollection services) in path\startup.cs:line 59 --- end of inner exception stack trace --- @ system.runtimemethodhandle.invokemethod(object target, object[] arguments, signature sig, boolean constructor) @ system.reflection.runtimemethodinfo.unsafeinvokeinternal(object obj, object[] parameters, object[] arguments) @ system.reflection.runtimemethodinfo.invoke(object obj, bindingflags invokeattr, binder binder, object[] parameters, cultureinfo culture)
@ system.reflection.methodbase.invoke(object obj, object[] parameters) @ microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.internal.configureservicesbuilder.invoke(object instance, iservicecollection exportservices) @ microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.internal.configureservicesbuilder.<>c__displayclass4_0.b__0(iservicecollection services) @ microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.conventionbasedstartup.configureservices(iservicecollection services) @ microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.internal.webhost.ensureapplicationservices() @ microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.internal.webhost.buildapplication()

i upgraded vs 2015 update 3 , dotnet core 1.0.

any appreciated.

there kendo.mvc 2016.2.630 internal build available seems fix issue. wasn't able find on nuget site, if log in telerik account , go product downloads, should listed there under internal builds.

the nupkg in \wrappers\aspnetmvc\binaries\mvc6

(but still problems grid)

from this: https://github.com/telerik/kendo-ui-core/issues/1856


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