Number of visitors Count is resetting to 0 every one hour for website in c# -
visitors count resetting every 1 hour zero.
i need total number of visitors website each day. can store total count in db per day.
protected void session_start(object sender, eventargs e) { application.lock(); application["sitevisitedcounter"] = convert.toint32(application["sitevisitedcounter"]) + 1; application.unlock(); }
is there other way store total number of visitors per day??
as marcusvinicius answered here
you configure periodic restart settings application pool recycling in iis:
the element contains configuration settings allow control when application pool recycled. can specify internet information services (iis) 7 recycle application pool after time interval (in minutes) or @ specific time each day. can configure iis base recycle on amount of virtual memory or physical memory worker process in application pool using or configure iis recycle application pool after worker process has processed specific number of requests.
but has side-effect of putting application offline during time pool restarting, if have user connected @ time lose session. can minimized restarting application @ time have no users connected, @ dawn.
the following config snippet set application pool daily recycle @ 3:00 a.m.:
<add name="example"> <recycling logeventonrecycle="schedule"> <periodicrestart> <schedule> <clear /> <add value="03:00:00" /> </schedule> </periodicrestart> </recycling> <processmodel identitytype="networkservice" shutdowntimelimit="00:00:30" startuptimelimit="00:00:30" /> </add>
not permanent object. created once application starts (e.g first session started) , disposes of after application pool times out. can either persist variable or change idle time-out
parameter in apppool
(iis=>application pools => apppool (or defaultapppool if haven't defined one)=> advanced settings => idle time-out).
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