android - MODE_MULTI_PROCESS I am studying SharedPreferences, can anyone explain me what it does? -
i studying sharedpreference
, didn't understand this:
this method check modification of preferences if sharedpreference
instance has been loaded.
can 1 please explain me example?
this behavior desired in cases application has multiple processes, writing same sharedpreferences file. there better forms of communication between processes, though.
used when application has multiple processes, of them writing same sharedpref file. , app having multiple processes rare thing in itself. shouldn't anyway use mode_multi_process
quoting reason documentation,
mode_multi_process not work reliably in versions of android, , furthermore not provide mechanism reconciling concurrent modifications across processes. applications should not attempt use it. instead, should use explicit cross-process data management approach such contentprovider
moreover, mode deprecated in api level 23
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