android - MODE_MULTI_PROCESS I am studying SharedPreferences, can anyone explain me what it does? -

i studying sharedpreference , didn't understand this:


this method check modification of preferences if sharedpreference instance has been loaded.

can 1 please explain me example?

this behavior desired in cases application has multiple processes, writing same sharedpreferences file. there better forms of communication between processes, though.

mode_multi_process used when application has multiple processes, of them writing same sharedpref file. , app having multiple processes rare thing in itself. shouldn't anyway use mode_multi_process sharedprefs.

quoting reason documentation,

mode_multi_process not work reliably in versions of android, , furthermore not provide mechanism reconciling concurrent modifications across processes. applications should not attempt use it. instead, should use explicit cross-process data management approach such contentprovider

moreover, mode deprecated in api level 23


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