vba - Array + Loop for Month and Year combination -

i trying create array months jan - dec , want have year "j14" january. want increase run move next month , after 12 runs year change "j15". run macro once month why want month , increase 1 each time run it. below have far, please excuse if wrong never used arrays before

sub test() dim myarray(1 12) integer  myarray(1) = j myarray(2) = f myarray(3) = m myarray(4) = myarray(5) = m myarray(6) = j myarray(7) = j myarray(8) = myarray(9) = s myarray(10) = o myarray(11) = n myarray(12) = d  = 1 ubound(myarray)  cells(i, 1).value = myarray(i)  next  end sub 

this how work, if write "14" in range a13. idea learn data types first comment has proposed. furthermore, there many better ways it. still:

option explicit  sub test()     dim                   long     dim myarray(1 12)    string      myarray(1) = "j"     myarray(2) = "f"     myarray(3) = "m"     myarray(4) = "a"     myarray(5) = "m"     myarray(6) = "j"     myarray(7) = "j"     myarray(8) = "a"     myarray(9) = "s"     myarray(10) = "o"     myarray(11) = "n"     myarray(12) = "d"      = 1 ubound(myarray)          cells(i, 1).value = myarray(i) & cells(13, 1)      next      cells(13, 1) = cells(13, 1) + 1  end sub 


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