How to change default browser of cordova browser platform? -
i don't have chrome installed , use other browsers development (opera, yandex etc). command:
cordova run browser
uses chrome default, fails " system can not find file chrome.". can change browser cordova uses?
the way change default chrome browser using --target
as can see chrome default browser run
internally, cordovaserve.launchbrowser function called cli arguments.
this function is defined in cordova-serve/serve.js file , can find body in cordova-serve/src/browser.js file can find complete list of supported browsers each platform:
var browsers = { 'win32': { 'ie': 'iexplore', 'chrome': 'chrome --user-data-dir=%temp%\\' + datadir, 'safari': 'safari', 'opera': 'opera', 'firefox': 'firefox', 'edge': 'microsoft-edge' }, 'darwin': { 'chrome': '"google chrome" --args' + chromeargs, 'safari': 'safari', 'firefox': 'firefox', 'opera': 'opera' }, 'linux' : { 'chrome': 'google-chrome' + chromeargs , 'chromium': 'chromium-browser' + chromeargs, 'firefox': 'firefox', 'opera': 'opera' } };
i hope answer learn bit more cordova , way works.
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