c# - Not getting user with correct credentials with asp.net identity and owin -

i doing custom authentication in mvc using asp.net identity , owin framework unfortunately not getting user correct credentials below method:

 var user = usermanager.find(email, hashednewpassword); 

i have stored email , password below in database table:

id      emailadress      password 1       abc@yahoo.com    123456 

right doing later on hash password , store in table.this testing microsoft owin framework.

but not getting user credentials:

emaild id:abc@yahoo.com   password:123456. 

this code:


[authorize]         public class authenticationcontroller : controller         {             public authenticationcontroller()                 : this(new usermanager<usermodel>(new userstore(new myentities())))             {             }              public authenticationcontroller(usermanager<usermodel> usermanager)             {                 usermanager = usermanager;             }              public usermanager<usermodel> usermanager { get; private set; }                [httppost]             [allowanonymous]             [validateantiforgerytoken]             public async task<actionresult> login(string email, string password, string returnurl)             {                 if (modelstate.isvalid)                 {                     var user = usermanager.find(email, password); //getting null here                 }             }         }  usermodel:    public class usermodel : iuser     {         public string id { get; private set; }         public string username { { return email; } set { email = value; } }         public string firstname { get; set; }         public string lastname { get; set; }         public string email { get; set; }           public usermodel(string email, string firstname, string lastname)         {             email = email;             firstname = firstname;             lastname = lastname;         }          public usermodel(users dbuser)         {             if (dbuser == null)                 return;              id = dbuser.id.tostring();             email = dbuser.emailaddress;              firstname = dbuser.firstname;             lastname = dbuser.lastname;         }     }         public class userstore : iuserstore<usermodel>, iuserpasswordstore<usermodel>         {             public task<usermodel> findbynameasync(string username)             {                 return task.factory.startnew(() =>                 {                     httpcontext.current = _httpcontext ?? httpcontext.current;                     var dbuser = getdbuser(username);                     if (dbuser == null)                         return null;                     return new usermodel(dbuser);                 });             }                 private users getdbuser(string username)             {                 using (var db = new myentities())                 {                     return db.users.firstordefault(u => u.emailaddress.equals(username, stringcomparison.ordinalignorecase));                 }             }               public task<string> getpasswordhashasync(usermodel user)             {                 return task.factory.startnew(() =>                 {                     httpcontext.current = _httpcontext ?? httpcontext.current;                     var userobj = getdbuser(user);                      int len = userobj.password.length % 4;                     //solved error below code :invalid length base-64 char array                     if (len > 0) userobj.password = userobj.password.padright(userobj.password.length + (4 - len), '=');                     return userobj.password;  //sometimes progam gets stuck here on debugging                 });             }               private users getdbuser(usermodel user)             {                 if (user.id == null)                     return null;                 return getdbuser(convert.toint32(user.id));             }              private users getdbuser(int userid)             {                 using (var db = new myentities())                 {                     return db.users.firstordefault(u => u.id == userid);                 }             }         } 

can please me recognize problem???

if understand correctly, you're storing password plain text in database? if that's case, that's problem. can't choose hash later; identity needs hashed in order match password. how authentication works:

  1. user submits username , password
  2. identity hashes submitted password
  3. identity looks user matching submitted username , compares password on record hashed submitted password. if matches, user signed in.

so, when identity compares hashed version of 123456 plain-text 123456, never match. in order match, password saved in db must hashed well.


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