javascript - Shift+Enter in Textarea using AngularJS -
this code shows how use directive submit form hitting 'enter' while in textarea. however, able shift+enter , go next line , submit result is. whenever submission made, shows in same line. how submit , show submitted text in next line user intends.
<div ng-app="testapp" ng-controller="mycontroller"> <textarea ng-model="foo" enter-submit="submit()"></textarea><br/> last submitted text: {{ lastsubmitted }}<br/> </div>
the angularjs code:
var app = angular.module('testapp', []); function mycontroller($scope) { $ = "" $scope.lastsubmitted = "" $scope.submit = function() { $scope.lastsubmitted = $; } } app.directive('entersubmit', function () { return { restrict: 'a', link: function (scope, elem, attrs) { elem.bind('keydown', function(event) { var code = event.keycode || event.which; if (code === 13) { if (!event.shiftkey) { event.preventdefault(); scope.$apply(attrs.entersubmit); } } }); } } });
what should do?
it looks need convert \n\r
use ng-bind-html
sanitize string.
here code example
you have include angularjs sanitize js file: <script src="//"></script>
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