html - CSS Imperfect Table Borders -

i have 2 tables layed out inline right side of table 1 touches left side of table 2, creating illusion 1 table.

the reason why on mobile device, tables displayed 1 under other users don't have scroll left-right while reading.

that said, cannot table borders display correctly:

enter image description here

as can see, intelligence value meets rank value, border thinner other cells no apparent reason. also, interior cell borders thicker outside border of 2 tables. thickness should 2px around table inside table.

can clarify me?

@media screen , (min-width: 769px) {    table#statcontainer,    table#statcontainer2 {      display: inline-block;      width: initial;    }    table#statcontainer,    table#statcontainer2 {      width: 50% !important;    }  }  table#statcontainer,  table#statcontainer2 {    width: 100%;  }  table#statcontainer tr:first-child,  table#statcontainer2 tr:first-child {    font-weight: bold;  }  table#statcontainer,  table#statcontainer2,  tr#stat-header,  tr#stat-header2,  td.stats {    vertical-align: middle;    text-align: center;    font-family: impact, charcoal, sans-serif;  }  td.stats {    border: 1px solid #d03908;    width: 78px;    padding: 5px;  }  td.value {    font-size: 30px;    padding: 0;  }  td.stats p {    margin: 0;  }  tr#stat-header,  tr#stat-header2 {    background: #d03908;    /* browsers not support gradients */    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff);    /* safari 5.1 6.0 */    background: -o-linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff);    /* opera 11.1 12.0 */    background: -moz-linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff);    /* firefox 3.6 15 */    background: linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff);    /* standard syntax */  }  .entry-content {    float: left;  }
<div class="entry-content">    <table id="statcontainer">      <tr id="stat-header" class="tablekey">        <td id="couragekey" class="stats">          <span><p>courage</p></span>        </td>        <td id="endurancekey" class="stats">          <span><p>endurance</p></span>        </td>        <td id="fireblastkey" class="stats">          <span><p>fireblast</p></span>        </td>        <td id="intelligencekey" class="stats">          <span><p>intelligence</p></span>        </td>      </tr>      <tr id="stat-value" class="tablevalue">        <td id="couragevalue" class="stats value">          <p>10</p>        </td>        <td id="endurancevalue" class="stats value">          <p>10</p>        </td>        <td id="fireblastvalue" class="stats value">          <p>8</p>        </td>        <td id="intelligencevalue" class="stats value">          <p>10</p>        </td>      </tr>    </table>    <table id="statcontainer2">      <tr id="stat-header2" class="tablekey">        <td id="rankkey" class="stats noleftborder">          <span><p>rank</p></span>        </td>        <td id="skillkey" class="stats">          <span><p>skill</p></span>        </td>        <td id="speedkey" class="stats">          <span><p>speed</p></span>        </td>        <td id="strengthkey" class="stats">          <span><p>strength</p></span>        </td>      </tr>      <tr id="stat-value2" class="tablevalue">        <td id="rankvalue" class="stats value noleftborder">          <p>10</p>        </td>        <td id="skillvalue" class="stats value">          <p>10</p>        </td>        <td id="speedvalue" class="stats value">          <p>8</p>        </td>        <td id="strengthvalue" class="stats value">          <p>10</p>        </td>      </tr>    </table>  </div>

js fiddle:

note in js fiddle, have opposite problem: border tables meet thicker other cells!

keep in mind borders add when placing tables next each other 2px + 2px = 4px

step 1: remove html don't need

step 2: simplify css , remove right border of left table when placed next eachother.

note have floated tables dont have hack closing , opening table tags together. may need apply clearfix div containing them though.

also note moving media query after tha main body of css don't need use !important

.entry-content table  {    border-collapse: collapse;    width:100%;    }    .entry-content td, .entry-content th  {    border: 1px solid #d03908;    width: 78px;    padding: 5px;      text-align:center;    font-family: impact, charcoal, sans-serif;  }    .entry-content td  {    font-size: 30px;  }    thead {      background: #d03908; /* browsers not support gradients */      background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff); /* safari 5.1 6.0 */      background: -o-linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff); /* opera 11.1 12.0 */      background: -moz-linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff); /* firefox 3.6 15 */      background: linear-gradient(#d03908, #fff); /* standard syntax */  }    @media screen , (min-width: 769px) {    .entry-content table    {      width:50%;      float:left;      }        #statcontainer tr td:last-child, #statcontainer tr th:last-child    {      border-right:none;    }  }
<div class="entry-content">    <table id="statcontainer">      <thead>        <tr class="tablekey">          <th id="couragekey" class="stats">            courage          </th>          <th id="endurancekey" class="stats">            endurance          </th>          <th id="fireblastkey" class="stats">            fireblast          </th>          <th id="intelligencekey" class="stats">            strength          </th>        </tr>      </thead>      <tbody>        <tr id="stat-value" class="tablevalue">          <td id="couragevalue" class="stats value">            10          </td>          <td id="endurancevalue" class="stats value">            10          </td>          <td id="fireblastvalue" class="stats value">            8          </td>          <td id="intelligencevalue" class="stats value">            10          </td>        </tr>      </tbody>    </table>    <table id="statcontainer2">      <thead>      <tr class="tablekey">        <th id="rankkey" class="stats noleftborder">          rank        </th>        <th id="skillkey" class="stats">          skill        </th>        <th id="speedkey" class="stats">          speed        </th>        <th id="strengthkey" class="stats">          strength        </th>      </tr>      </thead>      <tbody>        <tr id="stat-value2" class="tablevalue">        <td id="rankvalue" class="stats value noleftborder">          10        </td>        <td id="skillvalue" class="stats value">          10        </td>        <td id="speedvalue" class="stats value">          8        </td>        <td id="strengthvalue" class="stats value">          10        </td>      </tr>      </tbody>    </table>  </div>


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