excel - Add macro code to a worksheet through a module -
i have macro created takes large amount of data (pulled database weekly) , displays in multiple different pivot tables. have summary page @ start of workbook listing different customer , machine names. have macro written can click on 1 of customer names , opens sheet corosponding customer via worksheet_selectionchange event.
private sub worksheet_selectionchange(byval target range) if sheetexists(right(replace(replace(activecell.value, "/", "-"), "'", ""), 31)) activeworkbook.sheets(right(replace(replace(activecell.value, "/", "-"), "'", ""), 31)).activate end if end sub function sheetexists(sheetname string, optional wb excel.workbook) dim s excel.worksheet if wb nothing set wb = thisworkbook on error resume next set s = wb.sheets(sheetname) on error goto 0 sheetexists = not s nothing end function
unfortunatly due nature of job, can't share of code itself.
my problem lies when report re generated next week: possible have macro generates detailed sheets , summery add selectionchange code new summary? thanks!
a template seemed best option this
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