
Showing posts from June, 2013

mysql - How to make multiple LEFT JOINs with OR fully use a composite index? (part 2) -

it system calculates how users scan fingerprints when enter/leave workplace. don't know how called in english. need determine if user late in morning, , if user leaves work early. this tb_scan table contains date , time user scans fingerprint. create table `tb_scan` ( `scpercode` varchar(6) default null, `scyear` varchar(4) default null, `scmonth` varchar(2) default null, `scday` varchar(2) default null, `scscantime` datetime, key `all` (`scyear`,`scmonth`,`scday`) ) engine=myisam default charset=latin1 it has 100,000+ rows, this scpercode scyear scmonth scday scdateandtime 000001 2010 10 10 2016-01-10 08:02:00 000001 2010 10 10 2016-01-02 17:33:00 000001 2010 10 11 2016-01-11 07:48:00 000001 2010 10 11 2016-01-11 17:29:00 000002 2010 10 10 2016-01-10 17:31:00 000002 2010 10 10 2016-01-02 17:28:00 000002 2010 10 11 2016-01-11 05:35:00 0...

python - multi_line hover in bokeh -

as in question: bokeh multi_line , hovertool i found hovertool not implemented multi_line plots bit of setback. mentioned under 'warnings' here: is there work arounds this? also, if implement feature, place start , there specific aware of? also, feature in current bokeh roadmap? as of bokeh 0.12.4 (earlier, forget exact release) hover tool supports mutli_line : from collections import defaultdict import numpy np scipy.stats import norm bokeh.plotting import show, figure bokeh.models import columndatasource, hovertool bokeh.palettes import viridis6 rt_x = np.linspace(118, 123, num=50) mass_spec = defaultdict(list) scale, mz in [(1.0, 83), (0.9, 55), (0.6, 98), (0.4, 43), (0.2, 39), (0.12, 29)]: mass_spec["rt"].append(rt_x) mass_spec["rt_intensity"].append(norm(loc=120.4).pdf(rt_x) * scale) mass_spec['mz_tip'].append(mz)...

node.js - Return data from node service to angularjs controller -

i following mean machine book. 1 of examples connect mongo db , retrieve users. book seems little out dated( got 2-3 errors fixed). issue service not connect mongodb , return data. .from ui, service returns html current page.the table not being populated. but when invoke service through postman, data the code user retrieval this. user service: angular.module('userservice', []) .factory('user', function($http) { //create new object factory var userfactory = {}; //get single user userfactory.get = function(id) { return $http.get('/api/user/' + id); }; //get users userfactory.all = function() { return $http.get("/api/user/"); }; ... shown relevant parts above. controller: angular.module('userctrl', ['userservice']) .controller('usercontroller', function(user) { var vm = this; //processing control vm.processing = true; //grab users on ...

eclipse - m2e subclipse connector - deprecated? -

i want use m2e in connection subclipse in eclipse mars. unfortunately, subclipse connector eliminated discovery catalog of m2e. nevertheless, got running configuration using subclipse 1.8 (pretty old) update site on one gets impression subclipse connector kind of "deprecated" , cannot used newer versions of subclipse. my question: there non-deprecated way use subclipse in connection m2e?

python - Query task state - Celery & redis -

okay have relatively simple problem think, , it's i'm hitting brick wall it. have flask app, , webpage allows run number of scripts on server side using celery & redis(broker). all want do, when start task give name/id (task portrayed button on client side) i.e. @app.route('/start_upgrade/<task_name>') def start_upgrade(task_name): example_task.delay(1, 2, task_name=task_name) then after task has kicked off want see if task running/waiting/finished in seperate request, preferably like; @app.route('/check_upgrade_status/<task_name>') def get_task_status(task_name): task = celery.get_task_by_name(task_name) task_state = task.state return task_state # pseudocode but can't find in docs. new celery though fyi assume know nothing. obvious, need able query task state python, no cli commands please. any alternative methods of achieving goal of querying queue welcome. when start task delay or apply_async ob...

javascript - this following code is working for removing the previous data from the modal -

this following code working removing previous data modal requirement have 2 hyperlinks in data table 1st won edit , 2nd won delete when click on delete link data deleting after click on edit link 404 error occured(both links concatinating) tried following code removing previous data modal $(document).on('', function (e) { var target = $(; target.removedata('bs.modal') .find(".modal-content").html(''); });

php - How to list all databases using yii2 in mongodb? -

i need list of databases on current server. using yii2 framework. how list of databases? yii2 v2.1 has functions list of databases, want use yii2 v2.0. $all = yii::$app->mongodb->createcommand()->listdatabases(); where mongodb configured mongo instance. response may like: $all:array = 0: array = name: string = local sizeondisk: double = 83886080 empty: bool = false 1: array = name: string = testdd sizeondisk: double = 19268632576 empty: bool = false 2: array = name: string = admin sizeondisk: double = 1 empty: bool = true

Getting connection error while reading data from ElasticSearch using apache Spark & Scala -

i gave following code val conf = new org.apache.spark.sparkconf() .setmaster("local[*]") .setappname("es-example") .set("es.nodes", "") val sc = new org.apache.spark.sparkcontext(conf) val resource = "index/data" val count = sc.esrdd(resource).count() println(count) using, elastic search version=1.5.2 spark version=1.5.2 scala version=2.10.4 and given library dependency follows, librarydependencies += "org.elasticsearch" % "elasticsearch-spark_2.10" % "2.1.3" i getting following error while running program exception in thread "main" connection error (check network and/or proxy settings)- nodes failed how can read data elastic search using spark , scala? please @ option "es.nodes.wan.only". default, value key set "false", , when set...

amazon web services - How to MAP AWS_IAM Credentials via HTTP Proxy to Actual HTTP EndPoint in API Gateway of AWS? -

i have http-endpoint - a. we can call endpoint via http-endpoint-b. so b-->a we using aws api gateway above. - aws_iam protected, , b has no protection. require x-amz-security-token, accesskey,secretkey,x-amz-date,authorization. used api gateway's api's resource feature - method request , integration request appropriate mapping. done various other ways, @ end getting following error : { "message": "the request signature calculated not match signature provided. check aws secret access key , signing method......" } may know missing here ?, have looked on documentation , several other references didn't find appropriate. the error getting indicates endpoint expecting request signed sigv4. currently, api gateway sign request backend integration endpoint when using "aws service proxy" integration type. hidden default. when setting method, under "integration type" click on "show advanced". makes ...

xml - Merge specific elements but keep document order using XSLT 1.0 -

given following document: <doc> <a>a</a> <b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <c>c</c> </doc> i want turned into: <doc> <a>a</a> <b>1,2,3</b> <c>c</c> </doc> what have far (mostly taken post here @ so): <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="node()|@*"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*" /> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="doc"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="*[not(self::b)]"/> <b><xsl:apply-templates select="b/text()"/></b> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="b/text()"> <xsl:if test="position() &gt; 1...

twitter bootstrap - how to add external html page to wordpress page using plugin -

i want add external html page wordpress page. " " page want show on " " page. dont want redirect it. there plugin or solution this? the fastest way use iframe. <iframe src="" frameborder="no" width="" height="" ></iframe>

reactjs - Router configuration does not switch the pages -

why router configuration not navigate '/1/abc/home/inbox'? no errors/warnings in console. didn't find answer in router docs. <router history={browserhistory}> <route path="/:id/:name/home" component={home}> <route path="inbox" component={inbox}/> </route> </router> this code navigates inbox correctly link above: <router history={browserhistory}> <route path="/:id/:name/home" component={home}/> <route path="/:id/:name/home/inbox" component={inbox}/> </router> thank you! yeah, miss. forgot render {this props.children} in home component. thank 0xrm , elod szopos .

php html tags converted to string -

i trying process html file php dom document. processing okay, when save html document $html->savehtmlfile("file_out.html"); link tags converted from: click here: <a title="editable" href=""></a> to click here: &lt;a title="editable" href=""&gt; &lt;/a&gt; i process links php scripts, maybe makes difference? cannot convert &lt; < htmlentitites_decode() or such. there other conversion or encoding can use? the php script looks following: <?php $text = $_post["textareax"]; $id = $_get["id"]; $ref = $_get["ref"]; $html = new domdocument(); $html->preservewhitespace = true; $html->formatoutput = false; $html->substituteentities = false; $html->loadhtmlfile($ref.".html"); $elem = $html->getelementbyid($id); $elem->nodevalue = $innerhtml; if ($text == ...

php - multiple JSON files that I would like to parse, edit, and merge into one object, -

hi in stackexhange i needed multiple .json file decode folder i have multiple json files parse, edit, , merge 1 object, re-encoded , output single json. her code of 1 .json file decode <?php if ( file_exists( base . '/contents/cache/recent-file.json' ) ) { $recent_file = json_decode( file_get_contents( base . '/contents/cache/recent-file.json' ), true ); if ( $recent_file ) { ?> <div class="items-list"> <?php foreach( array_reverse($recent_file) $key => $apps ) { get_template( 'templates/app-item', $apps ); ?> </div> <?php } } ?> you need to: get list of json files get contents of each file add contents of files php array output new json object my method be: //get json files $files = glob("/path/to/folder/*.json"); //create empty new array $newdataarray =...

excel - xlwings vs pandas native export with multi index dataframes: how to reconcile? -

i'll start image explains problem exporting multindexes pandas native export , xlwings essentially, i'd ' pandas native' result [the multiindex exported excel] done xlwings because have bunch of other features xlwings can , others cannot (no not if use excelwriter , because have clear sheet , have non python thing inserted in same sheet cleared when initialized) the code used: import pandas pd import numpy np import xlwings xw import os arrays = [['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux'], ['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two']] tuples = list(zip(*arrays)) index = pd.multiindex.from_tuples(tuples, names=['first', 'second']) s = pd.dataframe(np.random.randn(8, 8), index=index).transpose() print(s) # export filename = 'format_excel_export.xlsx' s.to_excel(filen...

javascript - Convert time format to iso format -

i need convert date format : fri jul 29 2016 00:00:00 gmt+0100 (maroc (heure d’été)) (i don't call way ) iso format (yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000 ) using javascript in advance here sample snippet query. hope helps query. function formatdate(date) { var d = new date("fri jul 29 2016 00:00:00 gmt+0100"), month = '' + (d.getmonth() + 1), day = '' + d.getdate(), year = d.getfullyear(); if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month; if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day; return [year, month, day].join('-'); }

angularjs - Assignment to scope isn't working in directive -

i have directive below makes change in scope element later assign update data on ui. however, approach works in function change_subnav not in switch case (added comments code). why happening? code change same. appreciate here. please let me know if need add more information. plunker- .directive('selectsubnav', function ($parse) { return { restrict: 'a', link: function (scope, element, attr) { var change_subnav = function (subnav) { if (scope.active_tab == 'user_exercises') { var sections = {}; sections[subnav] = scope[scope.active_tab][subnav]; // works scope.$apply(function () { $parse('').assign(scope.$parent, sections); }); } else { } }; $(element).on(...

neo4j - Lazyweb cypher "Request Failed, Check authorization settings" -

i trying import lot of cypher queries neo4j server using lazyweb cypher . i have uploaded file cypher queries present in format match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4026})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4027})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4028})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4029})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4030})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4031})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); match (f:person{userid:3980}), (h:person{userid:4032})with f,h create (f)-[:friends_with]->(h); these relationships. have provided default id , password , however, while trying run queries, giving me error, "request f...

javascript - How to manage session in MVC Application -

i new mvc not known how manage application login using simple membership function.when first login application works properly,but when logout done , in address bar giving proper controller , action wihtout login opens directly without login.i think @ situation session required how apply not known. please suggest solution this. advanced thank you. provides framework handling user authentication, called "identity". available in both core (latest) , 4, documentation available both. core: 4.6: both sites have examples of how build applications it.

java - Accessing a private field from within the class refuses to compile -

this example not compile: public class test{ private linkedlist<integer> lst = new linkedlist<>(); public static test of(int i){ return new test(){{ this.lst.addfirst(i); }}; } } demo but does: public class test{ private linkedlist<integer> lst = new linkedlist<>(); public static test of(int i){ test t = new test(); t.lst.addfirst(i); return t; } } demo why? in both cases access private member class body. with code new test() { ... } you declare , instantiate anonymous subclass of test . , subclass not have access parent's private members. see jls §15.9 (class instance creation expressions) , jls §15.9.5 (anonymous class declarations) more information

twilio ip messaging REST API retrieve channel return useless result -

i'm trying retrieve channel, , add user channel. call api returns {"uri":"/v1/services/isdb4f1f1479164d12b532f935aaca8619/channels/qwe123","sid":"qwe123"} which useless, because need channel sid add user. my code: $uniquename = 'qwe123'; $this->client = new \ipmessaging_services_twilio($params['accountsid'],$params['authtoken']); $service = $this->client->services->get($params['servicesid']); $channel = $service->channels->get($uniquename); print $channel; exit; the issue uniquename due there being "." in uniquename value. rest api interprets extension. please try change uniquename value "subdomain:engagement_test"

javascript - function inside an object literal -

just examples, example #1 works, possible pass "argument" function inside object value in example #2? example #2 not work, need? example 1 var canine = { dog: function(){ canine.dog_race(prompt("dog name:")); }, dog_race: function(name) { alert("retriever's name:" + name); } } example 2 var canine = { dog: function(){ canine.dog_race.retriever(prompt("dog name:")); }, dog_race: function(){ function retriever(name){ alert("retriever's name:" + name); } } } call function onclick="" your second example should this: var canine = { dog: function(){ canine.dog_race.retriever(prompt("dog name:")); }, dog_race: { retriever: function(name){ alert("retriever's name:" + name); ...

python - Determine adjacent regions in numpy array -

i looking following. have numpy array labeled regions. numpy array represents segmented image. region number of adjacent cells same value. each region has own unique value. simplified version 3 regions this: x = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]], np.int32) output: array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]) in above example have 3 separate regions, each labeled unique value (1,2,3 in case). what want value of adjacent (neighbor) regions each individual region. in case: region 1 adjacent region 2 region 2 adjacent region 1 , 3 region 3 adjacent region 2 what elegant , fastest way of achieving this? many thanks! i understand task return distinct entries of array adjacent given number (such 2). 1 way achieve numpy methods use roll shift given region 1 unit up, down, left, , right. logical or of shifted regions taken, , distinct elements match condition returned. remains remove region itself, since it's ...

javascript - Call angular function from plain JS -

i'm trying integrate fastsprings js library angular.js application. have embed fastsprings library html head like: <script id="fsc-api" src="..." data-popup-closed="onpopupclose" /> i've created directive uses document.createelement build script tag , add document. problem data-popup-closed contains name of callback function called if fastspring popup gets closed. tried create function inside directive doesn't work because exists inside angular scope then. what best way handle such situations? not fastspring specific question, problem should occur if want integrate library awaits plain js callback function. can try propagate "onpopupclose" function outside of angulars scope? like: window. onpopupclose = $scope. onpopupclose; in angular app , can use function outside.. call window.onpopupclose()

python - first date of week greater than x -

i first monday in july greater july 10th list of dates, , wondering if there's elegant solution avoids loops/list comprehension. here code far gives july mondays greater 10th: import pandas pd last_date = '08-jul-2016' monday2_dates=pd.date_range('1-jan-1999',last_date, freq='w-mon') g1=pd.dataframe(1.0, columns=['dummy'], index=monday2_dates) g1=g1.loc[(g1.index.month==7) & (>=10)] iiuc can way: get list of 2nd mondays within specified date range in [116]: rng = pd.date_range('1-jan-1999',last_date, freq='wom-2mon') filter them have in july day >= 10 in [117]: rng = rng[(rng.month==7) & ( >= 10)] create corresponding df in [118]: df = pd.dataframe({'dummy':[1] * len(rng)}, index=rng) in [119]: df out[119]: dummy 1999-07-12 1 2000-07-10 1 2003-07-14 1 2004-07-12 1 2005-07-11 1 2006-07-10 1 2008-07-14 1 2009-07-13 ...

android - subtract minutes or hours from calculated time -

i calculating time between 2 given dates. , saving lunch time can 1 hour , 45 minutes or more. lunch time saving hours in 1 variable , minutes in another. let's worked time 11 hours , 0 minutes , lunch break 1 hour , 45 minutes. how subtract worked time 11 hour 9 hours , 15 minutes in case. try : int worktimehours = 11; int worktimeminutes = 0; int worktimesecs = 10; int time1 = worktimehours*3600 + worktimeminutes*60+ worktimesecs; int breaktimehours = 1; int breaktimeminutes = 45; int breaktimesecs = 11; int time2 = breaktimehours*3600 + breaktimeminutes*60+ breaktimesecs; int timediff = time1 - time2; this give time difference(timediff) in seconds can hours, minutes , secs!

arrays - How do I cast the argument type within a closure signature in Swift? -

i'm trying write light observer class in swift (currently swift 2). idea use within entity component system, means components communicate one-another without being coupled together. the problem i'm having types of data communicated, cgvector , nstimeinterval , on. means method being passed have kinds of type signatures (cgvector) -> void , () -> void etc. i'd able store these varying signatures in array, still have type safety. thinking type array (any) -> void or perhaps (any?) -> void , can @ least ensure contains methods. i'm having trouble passing methods in way: cannot convert value of type '(cgvector) -> ()' expected argument type '(any) -> ()' . first attempt: //: playground - noun: place people can play import cocoa import foundation enum eventname: string { case input, update } struct binding{ let listener: component let action: (any) -> () } class eventmanager { var events = [eventname: [b...

php - DocuSign authorization code is empty, the value exceeds 512 characters -

i'm having problem reading authorization code of docusign oauth process . after sending request /oauth/auth endpoint code authentication. in php installation, code paramter redirect_uri callback ignoring code value (i'm trying read $_get request) because exceeds 512 in size. afaik, get value has 512 in size in php setups. looks this eyab7ydioijnvcisimfszyi6iljtmju2iiwia2lkijoinjgxodvmzjetngu1ms00y2u5lwfmmwmtnjg5odeymjazmze3in0.aqgaaaabaayabwaanz4cpp_tcagaampeyz6f0wgcalbmroob_tveutftvd_kfa0nackaaabkt1rgltziytfjztu5lwi0nwytndllnc04mmy4ltg0ngy0n2y2mzi0obuaaqaaabiaaaaaabgaaqaaaauaaaa.dlpjlae5rlvqp5pknmxpk12ouy8ab2qrrp_5consehonx8joimefikt8geafifeu5wpa-aom52ah6pucizefagjenxo46w_tevqdgs2oavl1rijmwmohnjnxbdtskd5oy2oe1o6tq3kn9p7ln5zfhsrhqxyjkknozzndfi6r5oqtiwb3lakljnf3xbvt4tn8mfoaxdc-h9zni5w4bgami6kxnz9km0ryoplbjg3_uqhjjp8mra0vgv9bmpjt4baoaoogy2y6vp1gxw9x5fpx-q6k29bd4ateqbcctp7wgslvmys-o87xsymzovrhdismrrdog2qky0h-i_d2nuq9jg is there work around this? in advance ...

android - Whole listview gets duplicated -

i've listview shows values web service. fine when loads listview. when click on item open new fragment (which shows details of item) , same listview, items doubles everytime. example, if have (in original) 5 items in total. when fragment, total count 10, 15 , on. means app adding items again , again. searched solution , did general solution adapter.notifydatasetchanged() still gets duplicated. if can show me problem, grateful. public class customlistadapter extends arrayadapter<model> { private context mcontext; int resource; private arraylist<model> mlistdata = new arraylist<model>(); public customlistadapter(context mcontext, int resource, arraylist<model> mlistdata) { super(mcontext, resource, mlistdata); this.resource = resource; this.mcontext = mcontext; this.mlistdata = mlistdata; } public void setlistdata(arraylist<model> mlistdata) { this.mlistdata =...

java - Only first elements are visible in list -

i have list of webelements in webpage specific height-width (that don't know), , want print elements shown in list. here code: public cinemamodule cinemasname() throws interruptedexception { list<webelement> cinemalist = driver.findelements(by.cssselector("")); system.out.println("total cinemas " + cinemalist.size()); system.out.println("cinemas names are:- "); (int = 0; < cinemalist.size(); i++) { system.out.println(cinemalist.get(i).gettext()); return new cinemamodule(driver); } } this code gives me count = 32 when text prints first 4 cinemas text (that viewable) , rest of cinemas prints null (no text) because rest of cinemas list under scrolling. viewing cinemas name (webelement) have scroll. how print list of 32 cinemas? you can use javascriptexecuter's executescript() method scroll particular element view , use gettext() method obtains text element. try be...

PHP 7 Group Use Declarations for Short Standard Namespaces -

so php 7 has nice group use declarations namespaces, this : use symfony\component\console\{ helper\table, input\arrayinput, input\inputinterface, output\nulloutput, output\outputinterface, question\question, question\choicequestion choice, question\confirmationquestion, }; but reason same syntax not work one-word namespaces (all same global namespace, manual requires), this: use {arrayaccess, closure, countable, iteratoraggregate}; //or use \{arrayaccess, closure, countable, iteratoraggregate}; both gives error (while ide not show syntax issues): php parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting identifier (t_string) or function (t_function) or const (t_const) or \\ (t_ns_separator) in ... simple standard use of multiple namespaces works intended: use arrayaccess, closure, countable, iteratoraggregate; //no errors so there reason why such syntax can not applied here?

apache - WSDL not valid in Jmeter -

i testing web service using apache jmeter ( v2.5.1 ) while loading getting below error. the wsdl not valid , please double check url. error same wsdl worked in soapui : webservice url : paste following soap request code " soap/xml-rpc request ” sampler in " soap/xml-rpc data " section , in url enter " " <soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web=""> <soapenv:header/> <soapenv:body> <web:getgeoip> <!--optional:--> <web:ipaddress></web:ipaddress> </web:getgeoip> </soapenv:body> </soapenv:envelope> click on run button. after execution can see response in “ view result tree...

sql - Oracle Deduping taking too long -

so have perfect dupes in table i've pulled down production last week (at end of day) i'm pretty sure didn't tick truncate first box in toad , have got nice bunch of dupes in table. i'm running following query: delete mmi_owner.imart_tti_ret_my_customers a1 exists (select 'x' mmi_owner.imart_tti_ret_my_customers a2 a1.rowid <> a2.rowid , ((a1.measure_id = a2.measure_id) or ((a1.measure_id null) , (a2.measure_id null))) , ((a1.measure_name = a2.measure_name) or ((a1.measure_name null) , (a2.measure_name null))) , ((a1.measure_description = a2.measure_description) or ((a1.measure_description null) , (a2.measure_description null))) , ((a1.measure_format = a2.measure_format) or ((a1.measure_format null) , (a2.measure_format null))) , ((a1.entity_id = a2.entity_id) or ((a1.entity_id null) , (a2.entity_id null))) , ((a1.entity_description = a2.entit...