javascript - Cannot assign to read only property '.js' of #<Object> -
i m building application , having troubles dealing proxyquire , testing.
i have following test :
import proxyquire 'proxyquire' const fetchmock = () => new promise((res) => { jobs: [] }) const jenkinsservice = proxyquire('../lib/jenkins-service', { 'node-fetch': fetchmock }) describe('jenkinsservice#getproject->goodconfs', () => { let service beforeeach(() => service = new jenkinsservice({ url: '' })) it('should call fetch method', () => { service.getall() }) })
that fails , throw me following error :
cannot asign read property '.js' of #
i m trying test fetch module has been called in getall method :
'use babel' import fetch 'node-fetch' import constants './constants' export default class jenkinsservice { /** * create new jenkinsservice * @param {object} configs configuration needed access jenkins */ constructor (configs) { this.configs = configs } /** * remote list of projects * @return {object[]} project list */ getall () { if (!this.configs.url) throw new error(constants.no_url_in_confs) return fetch(this.configs.url) } }
any idea what's going wrong ?
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