excel - #Name? error in cells with VBA code -

i running montecarlo simulation in excel vba receive #name? errors in respective cells. when click 1 of these cells, press f2 , return error disappears , value calculated. wrong here?

this code line calculating respective value:

activecell.formula = "=start_rate * exp(norm.s.inv(rand())* standard_deviation * (" & & " ^1/2)) " 

and entire code (if necessary):

sub mc_simulation()  dim integer dim k integer dim startcell range dim start_row integer dim start_column integer  iterations = worksheets("run_mc").range("mc_simulations").value duration = worksheets("run_mc").range("duration").value mean = worksheets("run_mc").range("mean").value start_rate = worksheets("run_mc").range("start_rate").value standard_deviation = worksheets("run_mc").range("standard_deviation").value  start_row = 15 start_column = 1  = 1 duration     k = 1 iterations      worksheets("run_mc").cells(start_row, start_column + i).select     selection.value =     worksheets("run_mc").cells(start_row + k, start_column).select     selection.value = k     worksheets("run_mc").cells(start_row + k, start_column + i).select     activecell.formula = "=start_rate * exp(norm.s.inv(rand())* standard_deviation * (" & & " ^1/2)) "     'selection.value      next k next  end sub 

you need take vba variables out of quotations:

activecell.formula = "=" & start_rate & "*exp(norm.s.inv(rand())*" & standard_deviation & "*(" & & "^1/2))" 


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