angularjs - Angular state : pass multiple parameter without changing url querystring to controller -
i want send parameter logincontroller. because, call state.go() $rootscope.$on() defined inside'$rootscope', '$state', '$stateparams',function($rootscope, $state, $stateparams(){ $rootscope.$state = $state; $rootscope.$stateparams = $stateparams; $rootscope.$on('unauthorized_access', function (event, args) { $state.go("page.login", {'error': args.error,'msg': args.msg}); }); }]);
i have
app.config(['$stateprovider','$urlrouterprovider',function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, $httpprovider){ $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/'); $stateprovider // parts omitted... .state('page.login', { url: '/login', views: { 'page': { templateurl: 'app/landingpage/login.html', controller: 'logincontroller', params: {obj : {error : null, message: null} } } } }); }]);
and want pass parameters logincontroller, through $state.go() during transition.
$state.go("page.login", {'error': err,'message': msg});
and in controller, how trying receive params...
app.controller('logincontroller',['$scope', '$state', '$stateparams', function($scope, $state, $stateparams){ console.log($stateparams.obj); }]);
i not want change url >> url: '/login/:params' etc. in stateprovider
i referenced page : stackoverflow example
but,was not helpful. appreciated. apologies poor communication.
after long research, ended weird solution. still doubt, whether solution. however, work me.... made hack of ui.router lol ....
i using angular ui-router version v0.2.18. , there @ line no. 3160, have put line of code :
// store hash param later (since stripped out various methods) var hash = toparams['#'];
and in line no. 3223 have
if (shouldskipreload(to, toparams, from, fromparams, locals, options)) { if (hash) toparams['#'] = hash;
so, thought of passing object '#' key this
.state('page.login', { url: '/login', views: { 'body@page': { templateurl: 'app/landingpage/login.html', controller: 'logincontroller', params: {'#' : null}, } }, authenticate: false });
$rootscope.$on('unauthorized_access', function (event, args) { $state.go("page.login", {'#' : {'error': args.error,'msg': args.msg}}); });
and surprise, worked..... got object logged in console : console.log($stateparams['#']);
i know solution cunning[udayip in malayalam]... worked me... not mark answer. so, request angular experts provide real solution. if experts say, can solution, mark answer.
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