c# - Exception when referencing a resource dictionary -

my solution consists of following projects:

  • servicetools.com
  • servicetools.ui (startup)
  • servicetools.ui.controls
  • servicetools.ui.themes

in ui.controls i've created custom button control derives button. custom button should use resourcedictionary located in servicetools.ui.themes.buttons.default.xaml

so servicetools.ui.controls references servicetools.ui.themes , uses

<resourcedictionary>         <resourcedictionary.mergeddictionaries>             <resourcedictionary source="pack://application:,,,/servicetools.ui.themes;component/buttons/default.xaml" />         </resourcedictionary.mergeddictionaries> </resourcedictionary> 

if try use dictionary intellisense suggesting brushes (at least outside triggers section). when start debugging application crashes system.windows.markup.xamlparseexception (

inner exception: not load file or assembly 'servicetools.ui.themes, culture=neutral' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.":"servicetools.ui.themes, culture=neutral"

may tell me why not working expected?

edit 1:

for test purpose added new resourcedictionary inside servicetools.ui.controls , referenced as:

[...] source="pack://application:,,,/themes/default.xaml"[...] 

but same result - exception says "cannot locate resource".


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