security - Azure Storage, using BlobRequestOptions without CloudBlobClient -

the app i'm building downloads , uploads blockblobs on azure. i'm using v6.1 , works fine. cannot upgrade v7 because of following issue :

i'm maybe totally wrong, decided not have cloudblobclient in application because don't want store connection string. instead, container upload / download initiated through sas uri provided web service actual (and shortened) download workflow following :

//jsonstring contains sas uri provided web service var jsonstring = await response.response.content.readasstringasync(); cloudblobcontainer cloudcontainer = new cloudblobcontainer(new uri(jsonstring.replace('"', ' ').trim()));  icloudblob blob = cloudcontainer.getblockblobreference(item.blobname); await blob.fetchattributesasync(); blob.serviceclient.paralleloperationthreadcount = 10;  asyncresult = m_blob.begindownloadtostream(pstream, blobtransfercompletedcallback, new blobtransferasyncstate(m_blob, pstream)); 

this works well, blob.serviceclient.paralleloperationthreadcount = 10; deprecated , i've seen yet supersceding item blobrequestoptions can defined on cloudblobclient decided (maybe bad reasons) not use.

i considering various options , looking advices on 1 should best : 1- miracle happens , can use blobrequestoptions without cloudblobclient 2- stay on azure storage api v6.1 3- cloudblobclient mvc web service , use 4- having connection string in app not security leak can use cloudblobclient on net

thanks !

every method call can trigger request in azure storage client library has overload accepting requestoption. example, cloudblob.begindownloadtostream has overload: cloudblob.begindownloadtostream method (stream, accesscondition, blobrequestoptions, operationcontext, asynccallback, object).


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