javascript - nodejs + mqlight connection error -

i using nodejs mqlight run sample code provided

i using nodejs 5.5.0 , npm version 3.3.12.

i installed mqlight using

npm install mqlight

      var mqlight = require('mqlight');     var recvclient = mqlight.createclient({service: 'amqp://localhost'});     var topicpattern = 'public';     recvclient.on('started', function() {       recvclient.subscribe(topicpattern);       recvclient.on('message', function(data, delivery) {         console.log('recv: %s', data);       });     });      var sendclient = mqlight.createclient({service: 'amqp://localhost'});      var topic = 'public';     sendclient.on('started', function() {       sendclient.send(topic, 'hello world!', function (err, data) {         console.log('sent: %s', data);         sendclient.stop();       });     });  

while running above code got below error.

         e:\nodejs>node mqtest.js      events.js:154           throw er; // unhandled 'error' event           ^      networkerror: connection error (localhost:5672): connect failure: remote co     mputer refused network connection.         @ socket.connerror (e:\nodejs\node_modules\mqlight\mqlight.js:1437:19)         @ emitone (events.js:90:13)         @ socket.emit (events.js:182:7)         @ emiterrornt (net.js:1255:8)         @ nexttickcallbackwith2args (node.js:474:9)         @ process._tickcallback (node.js:388:17)  

please solve problem. using window 7 64 bit os.

are sure service amqp running? can follow below script start amqp service.

start service(system.amqp.service) start channel(system.def.amqp)  refresh security type(connauth) display chstatus(system.def.amqp) chltype(amqp) 


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